View Full Version : Losing sleep over mole

10-08-09, 09:06
I recently discovered this strange, blue mole on a kind of stalk. My boyfriend says he thinks it's been there for a while.. I am so worried. Have got drs appt in a few days but til then I am panicking... had a panic attack over it the night before last and only got 4 hours sleep this night.... argh. I know I shouldn't worry because there's nothing I can do, but I've visited Dr Google's surgery so I'm in a state.

10-08-09, 15:23

It could be a blue nevis mole. These are totally harmless and can be blue and black. I hope this helps ease your anxeity abit.

Take care.xxxxxxxxxx

10-08-09, 16:11
Thanks. A bit relieved if it's an ordinary mole, bit worried though as a piece of it came off this morning argh! What seemed to be a kind of boil. But it's left behind a smaller, flatter, also mole like looking thing, but if the thign isn't a mole at all and just some kind of pimple/blister, maybe that's ok.. argh.

10-08-09, 17:18
There are all sorts of completely normal and benign skin lumps and bumps. I mean, think about it, your skin is a living organ and it's exposed to the elements all the time. It goes through a lot and thusly we get scars/pimples/rashes/etc we even get new moles, most of which are harmless.

If it really bothers you, go to the derm for a skin check. I just did that a couple months ago and had one mole removed and the others all "looked at". It's worth it for a little piece of mind.