View Full Version : Hi everyone----just joined you

10-08-09, 10:47
A panic/anxiety sufferer for most of my adult life (and part of my older childhood too I guess) I have had to learn how to cope and most of the time i do OK. From itme to time life pressures reach a high and the panic just seems to seamlessly just slide in to place as quick as a flash. Scary sometimes how it can go from 0 to 10 in a flash and going back to 0 takes a lot longer.

I suppose I should, and do, commend myself on how well I do cope with life stresses but from time to time it does get me down. (like today)

Over the years my life reads like a soap opera --- my first wife left me for another man (she also left our four children) after 20 years of marriage ------ I re-married a lovely woman with 3 children and we moved in to a large house (4 story) the 2 of us and a houseful of teenagers ----- they all grew up and are successful so I guess we did something right ----- 6 years ago my second wife died of cancer after 23 years of marriage and I am now on my own

Important though is the fact that I now have a lovely foreigh lady in my life and I am learning her language despite the fact that she has lived here for 40 years and speaks excellent English. (her husband died 6 weeks after my second wife) learning her language is my gift to her ---- a gift that money can't buy.

So really, with family scattered, my main support dead and a new relationship with someone who has no understanding of panic/anxiety I guess it is not surprising that I feel rather lost and alone from time to time ---- especially when health issues loom large, like they did today, precipitating a major panic attack.Health anxiety has been a major problem since my early teens.

Thank you for reading this. I look forward to sharing and reading others stories.

10-08-09, 11:25
hi there, welcome to the site, you will get alot of support and understanding here, this site has helped me no end. i 2 suffer from health anxiety and panic attacks, so i completely understand how hard it is to suffer from this. take care and look forward to maybe chatting sometime. debs xx