View Full Version : Hiya

03-10-05, 13:10

I never ever know where to start with these things, I am always scared of saying the 'wrong' thing, which never helps! First impressions are important, right?

I don't know what to say or where to start, everything is so confused in my head-- it doesn't help that I was convinced I was feeling better, and after the last few weeks I know this isn't the case. And my wonderful panic managed to make everyone around me feel uncomfortable- which made me feel worse.

Right, I feel like I have waffled enough about me for now, just wanted to say Hi really! I have been floating around on and off for a while, but it has taken a bit of encouragement for me to post, so sorry if it sounds forced!


"To dream of the person you want to be is to waste the person you are"

Tan The Man
03-10-05, 13:19
Hi Hannah

Welcome to the site. You will find a lot of support here and many friendly people.

You will find times when you are feeling better, and they are real. Than again you will find times when you are feeling down. this is a very common pattern amongst panic/anxiety sufferers.

If you want you can start by telling us what it is that is making you feel bad....and how you feel when an attack occurs.

Take Care

03-10-05, 13:26
I don't want to start off by being miserable and moany, but I can't summon the strength to do anything else.

I don't know exactly why I am feeling bad at the moment, it's beyond me really. I just feel like giving up, nothing seems to be working. And I have noone. The biggest thing at the moment I guess is needing someone I can't have...

The panic this morning was horrible, there was nothing really other than my chest being so tight and horrible, and it was like it the whole time I was talking to E, and she was just worrying that she was scaring me, and I hate that most, because it wasn't her fault at all. She was doing me a favour. Sorry, I'm going on!

"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

03-10-05, 13:28
Hi Hannah

Welcome to the forum. I am glad you decided to post!:D

There is no need to worry about saying 'the wrong thing', just write as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.

The fact that others felt uncomfortable when you were panicking is no reflection on you. It is simply that they probably don't understand what it is like to experience this.

You will find everyone very friendly here and get some great advice and support.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

03-10-05, 13:33
Hey Hannah,

A big welcome to the site! You will find lots of advice and support here.

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

03-10-05, 13:34
Thank you.

I am just having a fun 5 mins!

I know I can say like, whatever, but I feel like I can't say stuff without background, but do I really want to do that again?

I still can't calm down from a conversation at 10am ! Somebody shoot me!

"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

03-10-05, 13:35
Thanks Tracy :)

"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

03-10-05, 13:39
Welcome aboard!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

03-10-05, 14:10
Hi Hannah and welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and make some new friends too...
Hope that you feel better soon
Bye for now

03-10-05, 18:27
Welcome to the site Hannah.

03-10-05, 18:35
Hi Hannah

A big warm welcome to you



Will I ever escape this?
Will I ever be free?
Wake me up from this nightmare.
Please just give me the key!

03-10-05, 19:51
hi hannah
welcome to the site ,
take care denise xx


03-10-05, 20:30
Hi Hannah

Welcome aboard - you will meet some lovely people on here so I hope we can al lbe of some help.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

04-10-05, 02:13
Thank you for all your kind welcomes, they mean a lot, especially right now.

"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

04-10-05, 05:02
welcome Hannah-
don't worry about waffling - we're all here to support each other. So whenever you feel the need to..... waffle away :)


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

04-10-05, 05:10
Thank you Sandy. Cute username by the way!

"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

04-10-05, 11:55
hi hannah
welcome to the forum
take care
michelle xxxx