View Full Version : How long to wait...

10-08-09, 13:39
I know this a strange question but how long would you normally wait after entering a relationship with someone, before you sleep with them?

For me its been 3 months now...I don't want to push him away or look as though I'm a tease or I don't want him.

I have strong feelings for him, I just havent had great experiences in the past.
I'm not a virgin

13-08-09, 11:43
Bump! please...no replies :weep:

13-08-09, 12:02
Hi girl

I think the answer is when it feels right for you,
the time factor is not really relevant, it could be 3 months or 3 years for lots of different reasons, its whenever if feels right for YOU.

best wishes P x

13-08-09, 12:10
I agree, its whatever feels comfortable for you. It may be helpful to be truthful with him and tell him how you feel, if hes a good guy im sure he would understand and be supportive. :)

14-08-09, 22:00
Thanks for your quick replies...but I'm still concerned if I leave it too long he will get bored...I mean I know he likes me alot but my paranoia and insecurities are starting to kick in now!
What if he gets bored?! I'm getting myself too worked up about it!

14-08-09, 23:39
If he gets bored and isn't willing to wait till you're ready he's not worth it imo.
Nobody can tell you when the right time is, just when it feels right to you.

15-08-09, 00:55
I've left a whole year! normally I leave it a few months, 4 at the most.
but you can have lots of for play durning the months your not having sex.
it's a good way to get comfortable with each other and when you do have sex ye will be familiar with each others body and likes and dislikes so it's more comfortable.
well if a guy can't wait a few months.............. as long as he knows you find him attractive he should be ok.