View Full Version : Hello awful panic attack last week

10-08-09, 14:07
Hi I had the most awful panic attack whilst undergoing a needle biopsy. But no one seems to exactly understand anxiety at all in the mediacl field very well. I get the impression that I ought to GROW up act my age and pull myself together.At the moment I am going through a nasty time with hormones etc.And have very few people who I can talk to. I live in Surrey, near Guildford. I am a carer for my Hubby as well. So a lot for me to cope with. regards Amandah

10-08-09, 23:46
Sorry to hear about your panic attack Amanda :( Did the medical people offer you any advice or help when it happened? It would be great if we could grow up, act our ages and pull ourselves together wouldn't it!!!:huh: If only it were that simple. I hope you get some help soon - you sound like you have a lot to cope with.

Take care,


11-08-09, 00:03
to say they are smart people, with plenty of knowledge and a wanting to help, medical people can be extremly ignorant. You sound like your doing a great job, having to cope with this and look after your hubby. So ignore what you think other people might think or say, put them in your shoes and i bet they wouldn't be able to cope with it all.

Big hug

Prue X

11-08-09, 14:11
Hiya Thanks for your replys. Yes these medical people and also certain friends have not got a clue. I have suffered Anxiety since childhood , owing to my late parents both drinking heavily and fighting when I was little, being shoved away to an all girls boarding school at the age of 9. Then my period started then too. I was so scared. All through my life I have had no confidence at all and my nerves are wrecked.Hugh My Disabled Hubby is great and although no children we are owned by 3 small Cavalier king charles spaniels and 1 cat. anyway sorry to moan on. But Thanks anyway regards amandah