View Full Version : Oily face

10-08-09, 14:38
I am a 38 yr old male. I have never had oily skin before but for the last 6 months or so I have had a very oily face to the point where I have to wash my face several times a day just to avoid pimples. My face is so oily that it feels like I have covered it with cooking oil. Could this be symptom of something serious? I have also been experiencing bouts of fatigue along with many of the the usual HA symptoms. Any response would be much appreciated.

10-08-09, 15:13

Thnk maybe this is just your body and hormones a bit upset with the stress of HA. Maybe your diet is not agreeing with you right now. Think that people underestimate the effect that stress has on blokes hormones too.

I wouldnt worry at all.


10-08-09, 15:42
The thing that is freaking me out is that I have a friend who has colon cancer and her only symptom was really dry skin. I have had ibs like symptoms for years and some how I am making the connection between this hormonal change to "it must be" cancer of some kind. Crazy, but that is how my mind is working.

10-08-09, 16:21
The thing that is freaking me out is that I have a friend who has colon cancer and her only symptom was really dry skin. I have had ibs like symptoms for years and some how I am making the connection between this hormonal change to "it must be" cancer of some kind. Crazy, but that is how my mind is working.

I think that it is good that you realise that your mind is not working the same was it usually would about this. It is totally extreme thinking that is making you freak out.

Hormones are linked to absolutely everything in the body. The body's adrenal glands defend the body and react to everything the same way, they have to , they only have the same functions to perform what ever the target 'enemy' is, colon cancer, anxiety, a drug, any other kind of cancer... so it upsets the hormones.

Correct me if im wrong but was it the dry skin that took her to the drs? I bet the dr didnt look at her and say straight off, dry skin..... colon cancer.

I hope your friend is doing okay. Im not supersticious in anyway but if i were I would say that the fact that you have a friend with colon cancer makes you even LESS likely to have it, what would be the chances ! gosh I have never met or heard of anyone with it.

Also you say she had no symptoms , it doesnt sound like she had IBS symptoms then. I have IBS symptoms too and often dry skin.
I hope your okay


10-08-09, 16:27
I wish I could share your ability to think logically about this. I am having several strange feelings in my body for the last few months. The oily skin is only part of it. I am also having periods of fatigue then insomnia. I keep telling myself that this is anxiety and this is the only keeping me sane right now. So just to be clear, you think this apparent hormonal change is really just related to anxiety?

10-08-09, 16:37
I'm sure its fine. I think that kind of things changes all the time. Sometimes I have quite dry skin, at other times oily. It could easily be related to diet. E.g. I find when I eat a bag of crisps for 24 hours after I will have VERY oily skin.

10-08-09, 16:54
I wish I could share your ability to think logically about this. I am having several strange feelings in my body for the last few months. The oily skin is only part of it. I am also having periods of fatigue then insomnia. I keep telling myself that this is anxiety and this is the only keeping me sane right now. So just to be clear, you think this apparent hormonal change is really just related to anxiety?

I do . I also think that slugs point about the crisps is very valid. Everything that goes in our body has an effect.

I too have strange things going on for about three years now. Today I am currently concerned that I am anemic becuase i think my palms look very pale and i have sore throat.
I get the periods of insomnia then fatigue as well, i think its do to with peaks and troughs in anxiety and stress hormones having knock on effects. Once your body is in stress biology cycle it is very difficult to get out of becuae it is self perpetuating if you allow it by underestimating the effect that our thoughta have on our physical body. We feel the effects of stress and anxity hormones and that worries us so we go right on and make some more and what makes it worse is that our adrenals work by trying to balance so if there is too much of adrenaline and cortisol it shuts the adrenals down a bit and makes us tired, but then that freaks us out to and the whole cycle starts off again.......

Honest it sounds like you have typical anxiety and your poor body id just doing what you are telling it!!


10-08-09, 18:41
I have read a lot about the connection between the mind and the body. I have all sorts of strange sensations in my body from aches and pains to mood problems. I feel like there must be something wrong with me besides anxiety. Any suggestions on how to combat these crazy hormones?

11-08-09, 14:37
I have read a lot about the connection between the mind and the body. I have all sorts of strange sensations in my body from aches and pains to mood problems. I feel like there must be something wrong with me besides anxiety. Any suggestions on how to combat these crazy hormones?
Totally,chill out and be nice to yourself and realise that the fact you 'think' or 'feel' that there is something wrong does not mean that there is. The psychologist I go to exlplained to me that we become really confident in our negative predictions about stuff wrongly and beleive it much more readily when we are anxious and it can really make us believe there is something wrong when there isnt. It might help if you can find examples of when your dramatic catastrophising feeling has been totally wrong in the past? I know that helps me cos I have loads of examples recently when i thought I was soooooo right about something , and i was actually totally wrong!!

Hope your okay

12-08-09, 06:11
I too suddenly have a case of very oily skin.
I think it's from the Zoloft, or perhaps just that I'm going through a bad case of HA.