View Full Version : holiday worries

10-08-09, 14:57
shortly in about two weeks i have too take a flight from cardiff airport too turkey appox 4hours10mins then transfer 2 hours too resort :unsure: im looking forwrd too it when im there but am starting too get afraid of the travelling mostly the flight its a long time to be stuck on board if im feeling scared im travelling with mum so she will support me i think i just build it up in my head and often the thought is worse than doing it i have tamazepam too chill me out so hopefully i will be okay tho am still worried ....

11-08-09, 00:36
hi there,

i just got back from a holiday yesterday, i had to fly for 4 hours and an hour transfer, my doc gave me diazapam for an emergency but luckily i didnt need to take it, i found that all the worry was in my head and just had to find somthing to take my mind of the horrible thoughts, i had a book, a magazine and watched a film during the flight, b4 i knew it we were there and i could relax lol,
was the same for the return flight, even tho i was happy to have my feet fimly on the ground lol,
all you can do is try your hardest to relax, if you can sleep then that will help, b4 u know it u will be there and sunbathing by the pool ,

hope this gives you some comfort and hope it all goes well for you,

leigh-ann x x x

11-08-09, 20:01
Hi there
I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks in May of this year I went on holiday to Turkey andf I felt the same way as you did but I did it.
I also in June of this year did a 2 weeks cruise round the mediteranean were we did 5300 miles.
My doctor gave me diazapam tablets to take but I did not take them.
All I can say to you in just relax take a small cd player with you on the plain and play some relaxing music and you will be fine.
Good luck and have a good holiday.


12-08-09, 00:54
I know how you feel...I took diaz for a flight and slept most of the way there...Like a good scotsman I did wake up for the meal and then back to sleep again lol
Well why waste good food...............did I say good food lol

12-08-09, 10:03
It a problem a lot of people on here suffer with even just going for a short time away. Youll be grand love try to relax and enjoy the beautiful sunshine and sparkly blue waters. You sure wont find that here. And i have heard its a wonderful place too. XXXXXXX