View Full Version : Hello everyone

10-08-09, 16:25
I've just signed up after reading one of your threads.

I had my first panic attack 13 years ago, they've come and gone since then. I've just turned 50 and I think the approach of the menopause has set me off again .. I've asked my doctor to send me for CBT (which I found of some, but limited, use before) as I'd like to really tackle the panic again.
She's prescribed citalopram in the meantime, I'm giving that a go but can't say I'm that happy with it, I'd probably have opted for staying with occasional diazepam to manage the worst episodes. Reading about it citalopram has encouraged me to give it a shot for a couple more weeks, though, whilst trying other techniques.

And I'm going to come and log on here when I find myself having an attack at home. They're the most scary - if I have an attack when in one of my trigger situations (e.g. on a tube train, in a large, noisy crowd) that's one thing, but when you're at home, in bed, and you feel like your head is going to explode or you're fighting for breath ... that's the worst.

On the plus side .. I'm very proud that I've done all the following things since I started having panic attacks, so they haven't taken my life away:

Flown alone to Tokyo, Sydney, New York (many times) and LA. Explored all those cities alone.
Travelled round the Blue Mountains on the back of a Harley
Spoken on the radio and presented an internet radio show
Worked as a consultant, going to meet new clients
Interviewed some famous people (heroes of mine)

Admittedly, for all these things I've had some (mild) diazepam as back-up, but I've done them, I haven't given up and become a recluse, and it hasn't been all misery by any means.

Anyway, let's give it a go. :shades:

10-08-09, 21:29
Hi and welcome.

11-08-09, 16:11
Hi Billsters and Welcome. This is a great site where there is loads of understanding and support. You sound so positive and have made your life count, not letting the anxieties rule you. Well done on what you have achieved and hope you continue to meet your goals.:welcome:

12-08-09, 19:06
Thanks all. I'll get posting in the threads now.