View Full Version : My Story

10-08-09, 17:48
Hi everyone, my name is Sox and I am from England.
for the last 4 -5 years I have suffered with Anxiety, Depression and Panic Attacks tho I didnt really know or understand what was going on.

I have a real problem with being Social, and will do anything to get out of social events, family get togethers, stressful work and using a phone. (left my job because of this)

one day, after having no real problems at all, I was sat at home watching a movie with my brother and felt my heart start to beat fast and hard.. I had never felt my heart like this before and I went into an instant panic attack. was taken to hopsital thinking I was dieing, had loads of tests down to find nothing was wrong with me or that maybe I had a virus.
for 6 months after this I felt down all the time, scared to do anything that my start it again... but I started to get over it and started going out again and met a girl.

I was with this girl for 3 years and we would fight all the time, I was not allowed to see my friends, not allowed to talk to others girls, she tryed to force me to have kids (even to the point where I had to avoid sex) I was so weak from the stress and anxiety that I didnt try to end it in fear that she would do something really bad! I WAS SCARED OF HER! and towards the end didnt get out of bed most days.

I finaly got help from another girl that I started to speak to online, and I broke it off and she stalked me for weeks before she gave up, before long I had fallen for the girl I had been speaking to online even tho she was living in Norway, we started into a relationship.

to cut a long story short I overcame my fear to go see her in Norway but was so scared of leaving her house once I was there I wouldnt go out and made myself ill.
after a year and a half of ups and downs with her, she ended it with me last weekend, she told me should could no longer deal with my problems, me always being unhappy and that I needed to sort myself out. (she had really tryed to help me, but I just was not getting better)

I have never been so heart broken in my life, and it was all because of my anxiety.

after the 4 years of thinking I was going crazy or dieing (had many doctors tell me I was fine) and not being myself, up and downs with girls. I think I hit rock bottom, couldnt sleep, cryed all the time, felt like my heart was coming out of my chest, couldnt eat and finaly broke down in front of my mum.

I went to the doctors and told them that I couldnt cope with living like this anymore and I am starting to get help I have been given tablets for my Depression and some for my Palpitations.
I'll update with a little day by day of how its going if I can.

Carla louise
15-08-09, 21:41
Hey Sox, it sounds as though you have been through the mill my love. This may sound a hackneyed expression, but what doesn't kill us does make us stronger, you are still here and you have a life worth living, and as much as you loved the girl ,it wasn't meant to be for now. I hope the help the doctor has prescribed is effective. Anxiety is an immensely difficult thing for people who do not suffer from it to understand but there is someone out there who will one day. For now be a little selfish and concentrate on yourself and getting to a stage where you feel ok and accept that this may take some time. Please let us know how you get on x

15-08-09, 22:22
wow you have been through alot!
I have always had anxiety even as a child.
get some books and read up on anxiety.
you were agoraphobic since you couldn't leave the house.
you will get over the heart break, it may take time but it is possible.