View Full Version : Body Vibrations

10-08-09, 17:48
I have really weird vibrations in my body for the last few days. My chest, arms, hands, legs and especially my feet feel like they are vibrating and twitching. I have been worried for the last week about possibly having MS and this new vibrating is adding to my anxiety.

Has anyone had this vibrating thing? It's stressing me out.

10-08-09, 18:02
yes i did. after i had tonsillitis and a sinus infection i started getting inner vibrations. i would lie in bed and it felt as if the bed was shaking. I could actually feel every muscle vibrating. i went back to the docs about it over and over and they kept checking me and saying it was anxiety. i lost my temper with it and thought "bring it on" and stopped being afraid... and it just stopped and hasnt come bacl. I had it day and night for about a month. I believe it is either your body recovering or entirely anxiety related. It seems the more attention you give it the more you notice it. It will go, you just have try and change your focus slightly and think about something else and truly believe its always been there its just your sensitivity to your body is heightened at this time. It will go... just like mine did. Have you been ill at all recently or taking any medication. I have a feeling mine could possibly have been linked to the use of decongestants as the side effects can cause tremors. Hope this helped a little. I know its scarey, so if you want some reassurance, send me a private message and ill do my best to put your mind at rest... either that or check my old posts from about april this year. I think you will be surprised at how similar my experiences were with it x

10-08-09, 18:08
It happens to me if I wake up in the middle of the night and start having anxiety. I lay there in bed and I feel like I'm vibrating.

10-08-09, 18:11
Hi Mondie, I get this at times too, though less frequently now. At first I asked my husband if he could feel it because I thought the vibration was from the environment, but I have since realise it s from inside me....its like being near a washing machine on spin! I dont know why it happens and its a bit disconcerting but nothing bad has happened with it so far and thats a few years Iv had it now.

Hope this helps

Coni XX

10-08-09, 19:24
OMG, yeah, I get these weird vibrations/twitches all of the time and I've been having them on and off (more on than off) for several years now. They don't scare me so much anymore but I will say that they do still annoy the heck out of me. When I experience them I try extra hard to relax but, in some cases, it's easier said then done. I don't know, but sometimes I almost feel as though my body is going through little "mini-earthquakes" (if that makes sense) and it can be very frustrating to deal with. To make matters worse, I live in an earthquake prone zone so every time I have these vibrations I'm constantly asking others around me "did you feel that?" to confirm that's it's actually ME vibrating and not the Earth around me, lol. Yep, frustrating for sure!

10-08-09, 19:26
i get these every night when i wke up in a panic it feels like my chest is on fire especially the heart side its horrible

magpie girl
10-08-09, 19:57
hi get vibrations when my anxiety peeks like my whole body is quivering.They seems to start if i cant get a hold on the anxiety,or if i wake with a sudden WHAM in the middle of the night.

11-08-09, 04:07
yep i get this in different parts of my body, sometimes all over. the first time i felt it in my chest i was convinced it was my cell phone on vibrate but NO, just anxiety

03-11-09, 14:13
i get these to horrible, get them in my head and chest :( not nice