View Full Version : here we go again

10-08-09, 20:28
Hello there,

I cannot sleep well, I have bad thoughts :wacko: ...
and if it happened and I slept, I would have a really frightful nightmare that makes my jump off my bed and never go there again the same night!

Recently, I tended to stay up late on the computer, listening to music or watching a movie, but my eyes are hurting due to which and I'm not really focusing on my studies.

I haven't had any panic attacks for these past few months -which made me extremely happy and positive (for a while) - but I had one today.:doh:

I'm really depressed and I don't feel like doing anything or seeing anyone or even going out.

pfff what can I do? -except seeing a doctor-

21-09-09, 00:44
Hello. You posted on my topic about a year ago and I thought I would see if you are still suffering. I was wondering if you would like to speak to me on msn? Maybe that will calm you? Private message me some times and I will be happy to add you.