View Full Version : Another thread about stool... and a bad one at that

10-08-09, 23:28
Well yeah. Despite my on-going bowel cancer fear I don't usually have digestive problems, I eat a lot of fibre and go to the toilet once a day (for this purpose anyway :)).

However, two days ago I had a horrible experience. I had a so-called impacted stool. This meant that even though I had been to the toilet the day before, I was so constipated that I couldn't pass the stool as it was too hard and I guess large to pass through the anus, and not just what most people have a couple of times, but something very very bad that I knew would not move in any natural ways.
I don't know why this happened, although I didn't drink enough that day and before, might have been that.

So there I was, literally crying on the toilet, in huge pain, trying every half an hour to go but nothing happened, I just became very sore and my body refused to do anything so I couldn't even try after a while. I looked it up on the internet (as you do :blush:) and it said that if you to go to A&E with this scenario, the doctors will manually remove parts of the stool until it comes out. :huh: To save my dignity I tried to do this myself with no success. That was until I discovered my son's glycerin suppositories from when he was a baby, used one and carried on with the manual technique until I finally got rid of the stool.

It was by all means the worst health experience I have ever had, worse than childbirth, colonoscopy, cystitis, facial paralysis and everything else I had (so far, says the "optimist" in me :D).

Anyway. Since then I haven't been feeling my best. I was a bit tired and sore for the rest of the day, and even now I feel a bit weak and shivery. So now I am worried that there is an infection in my rectum or something from a tear (but I can feel no tears and there is no bleeding).

Do you think the fatigue is completely unrelated, or can it be because of this? Has anyone had this awful thing before?


10-08-09, 23:36
I think it sounds like you scared yourself to death! An impacted stool does not automatically mean anything serious; your body cannot function perfectly 100% of the time every day of your life. You'll get weird aches and pains, mysterious pangs, temporary constipation and so on. The human body is a machine, and while it is impressive, no machine is infallible.

Don't be afraid, there is almost certainly nothing wrong with you. Even if you did have a tear in the anus this is fairly common anyway and it is not something that you should spend time dwelling over; your body will heal itself.

10-08-09, 23:41
Thanks, I know it shouldn't be a huge deal, and I did get it out at the end, but I just haven't felt well since. Might just be a cold or something though...

11-08-09, 15:42
Glycerine Supps are the BEST and as I have this from time to time I always keep them in the cupboard! Also Lactulose Syrup is a cheap and very effective oral treatment which is not at all harsh and which you can buy over the counter. This sort of experience always leaves me a bit exhausted for a day or two. The best thing is not to strain...straining is BAD, but to go for the remedies right away. Hope you feel better now.