View Full Version : Feeling yucky/sick

11-08-09, 00:27
Not sure if it's related but just been feeling a tad yucky/sick/weak at points during the day..not all day just for one or two hours is it anxiety?

It seems to be after the toilet..been OCD'ing over the toilet roll again which has caused me panic as it was a little bit bleeding as I used too much. Felt a bit painful too.

So I'm in panic thinking maybe I'm doing myself damage? I just feel yuck/weak and I'm panicking, don't feel like doing much.. :blush: Maybe it's all in my head?

20-09-09, 22:38
I feel like this again I hope I'll be ok. Been panicing on the bus and getting sweet cravings and need to keep checking my chest. I've just felt all yucky, tired. I'm worried I'll pass out :blush: ...just can't relax...I hope it's anxiety maybe working all day or something I duno..

I'm in panic now feel all weird.

20-09-09, 23:55
I've been having mild anxiety attacks over the silliest things all week.
like my hands feel weird or i feel too hot or i feel sick or ............
I know I'm just being paranoid again, doesn't stop me from worrying over every little thing.
maybe write down what your afraid of? i find it helps to see my anxious thoughts on paper it helps me realize I'm over reacting yet again lol

21-09-09, 12:57
I hope I'm ok still panicking today feel all dizzy, got a nipping sore stomach..slightly runny nose maybe it's the cold..don't feel like doing much but I have work later today. :blush:

21-09-09, 15:25
aw I'd say the dizziness is just your anxiety, as for the runny nose that's normal when the weather turns cold :-)
aw I hope you'll be ok at work. I keep getting headaches and I just have to go up town today, well I don't have to but there's this dress I have to buy haha.
I hate when my anxiety is bad, I keep an anxiety journal and sometimes I laugh when I read it as I see how worked up I get about the smallest things!
Once I freaked out because I had a pain in my left arm, I was so worried I was gonna have a heart attack! (at 22 lol)
best of luck with today x

16-12-09, 19:10
Not worth a new topic but anybody else suffer this symptom? I just feel sick, ill and keep worrying there's stuff wrong with me. Get panic attacks when I move up from a chair and feel dizzy, weak and peaky... looking at the monitor is giving me headaches and dizziness and I've had the shakes in panic. I keep checking my beats and stuff...

Will it be a symptom of anxiety or a cold or something? :wacko: I feel like doing nothing...

17-12-09, 00:19
I think it's a psychosomatic thing. Anxiety makes you feel sick then it becomes self-affirming, and the more you feel anxious about feeling sick and dizzy, the more sick and dizzy you then feel. When you expect a symptom, you get it, and when you get anxious about the symptoms, they get worse.

I think all you can do for now is to tell yourself that nothing's wrong, repeat to yourself, "Everything's fine, I feel fine", slowly. Try to breathe slower. The symptoms should lessen. It sounds like everything you're feeling stems from the anxiety itself.

17-12-09, 00:46
It s a combination of the Adrenaline and the dizzyness that makes you feel sick .Also your cortisone levels .All this is caused by the anxiety and the fear factor .Loose the fear to the anxiety just accept and dont fight it and you will start to feel better .Each time it happens ,your body releases adrenaline and cortisone to fight the danger signals your brain is sending out .Anxiety wont hurt you and by fearing it ,it prolongs the process ..Learn some deep breathing excercises to do when the anx starts and it distracts from the fear and relaxes you ..It wont be easy at first but its a tried and tested method of overcoming this problem . Please try it . All the best and good luck Sue x/SIZE]

17-12-09, 10:22
its likely anxiety causing that, especially if it seems to be a response to your OCD,

why dont you try the packs of soft moist toilet tissue from the supermarket? Theyre like babywipes and a lot gentler on the arse than normal tissue, just a thought :)


17-12-09, 18:49
It s a combination of the Adrenaline and the dizzyness that makes you feel sick .Also your cortisone levels .All this is caused by the anxiety and the fear factor .Loose the fear to the anxiety just accept and dont fight it and you will start to feel better .Each time it happens ,your body releases adrenaline and cortisone to fight the danger signals your brain is sending out .Anxiety wont hurt you and by fearing it ,it prolongs the process ..Learn some deep breathing excercises to do when the anx starts and it distracts from the fear and relaxes you ..It wont be easy at first but its a tried and tested method of overcoming this problem . Please try it . All the best and good luck Sue x/SIZE]

Thanks. I have been stressed sitting about the last few days...I have an impending horrible thought like something is wrong. I can be fine one min and stuck down like a bullet in panic, my heart beat goes fast, I struggle breathing, feel all spaced out, weak, lie down but feel all tense and anxious still...about half an hour later I'm fine again...

I've had about 3/4 times I've been stuck down in the last few days with this. It's like a wave of anxiety and it takes me a while to calm myself down... :ohmy: My head is spinning and I feel I will pass out..feel like i'm on a boat when I get up...:weep:

13-11-21, 22:56
This is a symptom I noticed back in 2009 never had it much but past few months I have noticed I feel yuckly often after eating or before eating I believe it’s my anxiety playing up again?

14-11-21, 00:31
This is a symptom I noticed back in 2009 never had it much but past few months I have noticed I feel yuckly often after eating or before eating I believe it’s my anxiety playing up again?



14-11-21, 03:26
^^LOL^^ True!