View Full Version : Complicated fear of vCJD, I would appreciate a hear out.

Sieg the Cabbit
11-08-09, 06:42
I can't focus on anything, and my day today was punctuated by unseen frustration which had virtually no cause, I felt as though I'd have a panic attack in the car. I have to consistently wander, and cannot muster up the will to do anything - making a cup of tea or even signing for this board is hard, and I'm dealing with somatic delusions all the time and recently have moderately begun hearing voices.

Sometimes I trip, or have inane tremors I cannot control.

Symptomacy described in notepads - before this started I was an incredibly reliably calm chap, with no hint of somatacy or worry at all.

Sieg the Cabbit
11-08-09, 09:49
Inane mood swings
Inability to do anything out of the norm
Hearing voices
Couldn't sleep all night
On risperidone, propanalol and sleeping tablet - took all 3 for it to work
Thought I was going to die
Effort to even make a cup of tea
Was getting unbearable last week - medicine eased it off, and now its broke through

Punctuating symptoms for the past night and yesterday.

11-08-09, 10:37
Hello there dear

Gosh i dont want to pass judgement on how you are feeling but after reading your symptoms and the other attached document, I would be interested to read something you had written when you werent suffereing from anxiety!! You are very talented with your writing !

You know everything you wrote is how i felt a few years ago when my anxiety first hit. The most horrible thing i remember was the absolute fear that I was suffering froma horrible mental ilness. I rememeber once having a massive panic attack - but somehow without the panic!?!?! Weird i know. I felt the adrenaline and then had this weird detatched feeling, it was awfull. I decided thenthat there was somethng VERY wrong with my mind then......there wasnt. That is just a drop in the ocean of how awfull i felt and the horrible way that everything felt 'too real' and my emotuions were so strong that something that was wrong like a broken glass or something actually made me feel sick with repulsion Gosh I was scared of my cat for a few days!! And what made it really bad was how I felt about these weird feelings, if that makes sense. It was the fact that I was wexperinceing unusal things with my emotions and thoughts and then.....worrying about them!!! Believe it or not its the worrying that is the problem,..... the rest is simplt depression and anxiety!!

I truly felt like my thoughts were alien and controlling me and I 'felt' that there could be an evil other world that i would be dragged into..........it was just depression and anxiety. I tried fror months to persuade a doctor that i was mental...strangely they had heard it all before.......i was merely depressed and anxious. No matter what weird and wonderfull freaky symptom I experinced they were not at all shocked as I thought they would be and they always said, yes you have depression and anxiety.

I begged to be reffered for psychiatric assessment and eventually a locum gave in. The outcome......depression and anxiety and an upping of my sertraline tablet dose which did the trick.

I still have health anxiety but not I ignore the 'awareness' of my own thoughts and the obsessive feelings and worry that comes with it.

Your okay dear

xxxxx:hugs: :hugs:

Sieg the Cabbit
11-08-09, 13:15
I'm referred for an MRI likely somewhat soon and I could imagine that would put to rest a large fraction of problems, as 80% of diagnosable sCJD shows up a lighter part of the brain on a scan. ;_; I really hope I'm okay like you think so...

My anxiety was so bad I couldn't sleep all night, kept tossing and turning and I had no option but to pace up and down continuously for roughly 10 hours, while waiting for my psychiatric phone call. Still am waiting.

Can anxiety really escalate to cause this?

11-08-09, 15:19
Yes, it absolutely can.

There is a simple probability here - vCJD incidence = very very very low. Anxiety/Other mental illness incidence = astronomically high. I'd wager a huge amount it isn't vCJD.

11-08-09, 19:35
Hello, I don't know if this will reassure you or not, but for a few years on and off I have been plagued with vcjd fears...I sufferered bad insomnia with it the longest I went with no sleep was 3 weeks ....Diazepam worked for me along with councelling .....I still have my moments though. Good luck hope you are feeling better soon lots of love

12-08-09, 10:28
Anxiety can definately escalate to that and much worse!! Its cos you are turning your anxiety on yourself...anything can happen!! Its a horrible thing to do to ourselves but thats what HA does!

I completely agree with what the others say about you soooooo not having vcjd. You have anxiety without a doubt!!

The horrible thing about HA is that it is so very persuasive, Its weird its like the more intellegent or rationale a person you are the more of a hold it take on you?!?!! Its hard but you will get back to normal.

Dont worry about not sleeping, so what .........when your body calms down you will sleep as much as you want...dont worry about it just now. and pacing about? pretty normal really when you are (wrongly) worrying about being really ill!!! ( THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE ILL!!)

Try and distract yourself for set time every day and then try and expand that time each day and aim to reduce the time you are worrying to only a small portion of the day and you will calm down a lot. I did this and it really helped and when I was calmer my thoughts stopped bothering me and seemed quite normal again.
