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View Full Version : Neurontin

03-10-05, 16:04
I was wondering if anyone else was on this med? It is commonly used for an anti-seizure medication or for nerve pain! The docotor prescribed me this for anxiety! I was wondering if it was safe.

Thanks Brandy

"Never give up the Fight!"

03-10-05, 16:32
Hi Brandy-
I think I posted this before but with all the threads I couldn't find it to post the link for you. So here it goes...
My son has epilepsy. has since he was about 3. The doctors tried every med on the market to try and get his seizures under control but they didn't help. Then they put him on Zarontin(a sister drug to neuontin). There weren't any bad side effects except that it tasted like @@@@ so we had to almost hold him down to get it in him. and cotton mouth which wasn't too bad. I know that it's not being used for the same condition but I thought that knowing the doc would prescribe it to a 3 year old with no ill effects might ease your mind a little. :)


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