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View Full Version : A question for the men

Tan The Man
03-10-05, 17:35
This is a little embarrassing but here goes. O know that most SSRI’s can cause delayed orgasm. So that was nothing new to me this morning as it took me a lot longer to climax than usual. But my problem is this. As soon as I climaxed, my head went weird and I became dizzy and disoriented, than I felt a lot of heat moving into my chest back and arm. They felt hot. This lasted for about half a minute. I felt like I was going to faint from the dizziness. It was a very scary experience. I am certainly not looking forward to another experience like this. It has ruined my day as I have had three panic attacks after that and I feel they are tied in with what happened this morning.

My question is this, has this happened to any one else here?

And will it go away over time?

Thank you

03-10-05, 19:44
How long have you been on the ssri's? Im sure it will sort itself out when the meds kick in properley! I had a few ups n downs, weird sensations etc (catch my drift) when I first started taking the meds!!

03-10-05, 20:16
hi there

How long have you been on these meds? it takes about six weeks for your body to get used to them(ssri) and you can get odd things happen with your sexual functions in the mean time.
It is well known that panic attacks have an effect on blood chemistry and blood circulation.....and so any disruption here will cause changes in blood pressure which will then change blood flow to the sexual organs and then that will lead to sexual dysfunction.
What you have going on is an inbalance and the last thing you want to do is worry as this just adds more stress and fear and then you are even less likely to perform than before.
Got to your DR and don't worry they hear this all the time, they may change your meds but often this problem just goes on its own with time as nature takes it course.

Tan The Man
03-10-05, 22:53
Hi Anxiety26 and Buffybot

I have been on Cipralex for 7 days so far.

buffybot I don't have a problem performing (yes it takes longer, but I can manage that). It is just that I get some very scary sensations when I climax. It is an absolute turn of and takes all the pleasure out of it.

03-10-05, 23:00
Hi Tan I have been on cipralex for about 8 months and found the same as you, after about 14 days I found I still wanted and enjoyed sex but couldnt climax, After about 8 weeks it seemed to come back to normal and could climax but it did take longer and more recently I have found it hard work to climax and when I do like you I felt quite Ill a few times even realy bad chest pains.

Tan The Man
03-10-05, 23:05
Thanks for the reply Vernon...sorry to hear about your problems :( ...this really sucks eh?

03-10-05, 23:57
Hi Tan
I've been on em for 3 weeks and not encountered that particular prob.
SSRI's affect everyone in different ways so I wouldn't worry too much about it

Don't believe everything you think

04-10-05, 20:36
I hope it all works out and things turn normal again, it did for me and it will for you... just takes time ;)

Tan The Man
06-10-05, 11:27
Hi everyone

Since Monday I have uped my dosage to 10mg...and know I am unable to climax at all. But that is not the worst thing. what makes it worst is that I get palpitations and dizzyness just trying. It is really frustrating. I hope it will sort its self out. :(