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11-08-09, 13:53
i dont know why i keep torturing myself, ive just googled paresthesia that moves around, i always thought that if tingling and funny sensations moved around periodicaly then it was not classic ms symptoms, i will have a sensation in my left wrist one day and the next in my right cheek. Well somebody on web md has copied over a quote that paresthesia that moves is classic ms symptom. I have absolutely scared myself to death now, after promsing my coucellor that i would not google i simply could not help myself.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

11-08-09, 14:11

Its okay , we all do it. Your right its really unhelpfull to you but its done now and it really is okay, it will pass! This is the way health anxiety works!! parathesia blah blah whatever!!! You dont have that, you have anxiety and that can cause whatever your mind wants it to cause, honestly ive been there and Im sure tons of others on this site will agree!!

Rebbecca, it is absolutely no coincidence that you are displaying 100% of the mental and behavioural symptoms of health anxiety and you have many physical symptoms of anxiety too and you think you have ms. Honestly that is why you think you have it , your built in survival mechanisms are out of synch and they are alerting you wrongly to MS symptoms by making you anxious and this changes your way of thinking so that you blow your symptoms out of proportion and feel wrongly instinctively that there is a serious problem, but there isnt.

You really are okay


11-08-09, 14:19
thanks for replying so soon, i honestly think im going to go insane. My mom has said she will pay for an mri because my doc has refused to send me. But she stresses that after it is to be an end, i am so scared to go incase they find something and scared with the not knowing also.

I have also noticed that whilst i am relaxing my arms, legs and sometimes fingers jump. My dad suffered and still does anxiety when i was a small child insisting that he had a brain tumour obviously he didnt, but i really feel the doc is ignoring me and not taking my symptoms seriously.

11-08-09, 14:41
thanks for replying so soon, i honestly think im going to go insane. My mom has said she will pay for an mri because my doc has refused to send me. But she stresses that after it is to be an end, i am so scared to go incase they find something and scared with the not knowing also.

I have also noticed that whilst i am relaxing my arms, legs and sometimes fingers jump. My dad suffered and still does anxiety when i was a small child insisting that he had a brain tumour obviously he didnt, but i really feel the doc is ignoring me and not taking my symptoms seriously.

Without a doubt your doc has used all his/her long years of studying and experience of dealing with folks ilnesses and diagnosed you with anxiety!!

Thas sounds pretty good to me. To be honest if you are anything like me, the MRI will do nothing good and will actually make you feel more anxiuous and therefore increase your physical anxiety symptoms. Its already doing that cos you are frightened about what it will reveal. Please save your money and your nerves sweetheart and trust the doc!! You are not ill your anxious. Your mum would be better to say no to the MRi becuase it is feeding your anxiety and if doc says no then its not needed!! says she who had four hiv tests within three months!! gosh what are we like!!


11-08-09, 14:46
if you dont mind me asking why do you think you have hiv? if you have had tests then surely you dont right? i would love to have a clear mri but dont think i would get there alive as even the thought of going and them finding something terrifies me. I would like to crawl into bed and stay there for a very long time :-(

Its strange, someone posted a few days ago how we look at other peoples fears and almost envy them. But im sure if that was our problem it would seem just as real.

Do you ever go to your gp and tell him of your fears? and do you have actual symptoms?

11-08-09, 15:29
does anybody have any ms knowledge? do the funny sensations change hourly or even daily? im really confused now and feel let down by myself that i have given in to googling :(

12-08-09, 11:07
if you dont mind me asking why do you think you have hiv? if you have had tests then surely you dont right? i would love to have a clear mri but dont think i would get there alive as even the thought of going and them finding something terrifies me. I would like to crawl into bed and stay there for a very long time :-(

Its strange, someone posted a few days ago how we look at other peoples fears and almost envy them. But im sure if that was our problem it would seem just as real.

Do you ever go to your gp and tell him of your fears? and do you have actual symptoms? i too am like you i dare not go to docs incase they tell me anything scarey silly i no buts its just the way i am xx

12-08-09, 11:12
if you dont mind me asking why do you think you have hiv? if you have had tests then surely you dont right? i would love to have a clear mri but dont think i would get there alive as even the thought of going and them finding something terrifies me. I would like to crawl into bed and stay there for a very long time :-(

Its strange, someone posted a few days ago how we look at other peoples fears and almost envy them. But im sure if that was our problem it would seem just as real.

Do you ever go to your gp and tell him of your fears? and do you have actual symptoms?

I totally agree that we do thinkother peoples problems are a walk in the park but the joke is we all have the same problem!! Health anxiety! Our naxiety feels and works exactly the same way. Thats why this forum helps so much and people value each other on it so much.

I have symptoms as far as im concerned but no one will listen to me. I read stuff on a medical journal on the internet about salivarly gland problems in HIv and then i read that folks with HIV can have fibromyalgia and too much adrenaline and I also read that the virus has mutated and there are loads and loads of subtypes of it and that the tests dont pick up all types. Thats is why i reationalise that my tests are wrong.

The psychologist that i go to says, and also the counsellor of a girl who posts on here who has 10 years experience working wioth folks with hiv also says that the tests they use now adays pick up all the strains and subtypes but it still messes my head becuase i have problems with one of my salivary glands and obvious homonal uspet issues. It really freaks me out.

I have told the drs all my symptoms now and she said that she was concerned about my anxiety and reffered me for CBT. She said she wasnt concerend about my salivarly gland issue. SHe assured me that five negative hiv tests meant i dont have it. But i cant accept that symptoms are anything else and i cant get them properly looked at cos im too scared.

I had those tests done and then now i dont have any courage left to push further into my symptoms. My psychologist has told me that i have no problems and that the my cheek peoblem doesnt matter and that i dont need more testing and that it would cause me problems if i did go down that route. I think you are the same, an MRI would make you so uptight, it really isnt a good idea for you sweetie


12-08-09, 15:07
i get weird moving sensations all over - buzzing, tingling, vibrating, numbness.. and they move from limb to limb. it really is anxiety and it really does suck.

12-08-09, 16:24
Hey Rebeccaad :)

I have also gone through this thinking i had MS phase with my anxiety, i had tingling and pain and numbness in my face, in my arms in my legs and got my self in such a huge state about it!!

This again is another very common scary anxiety symptom, i went to the doctor who told me that i had nothing to worry about and tried to explain why anxiety sufferers experience these sensations, i also saw a video on you tube by Charles Linden which explained anxiety symptoms and why they happen and it made me feel soooo reassured!!

Ever since my mind felt a little better and my anxiety felt more reduced i noticed that my symptoms seemed to lessen. I only have these sensations now when i am very very anxious!!! i am having a bit of Lymph node scare at the moment so my face feels all numb and tingly, but trust me when i say that this symptom is anxiety and stop googling (even though i do it myself lol)

:) x

12-08-09, 20:47
thanks for the replys, even though you hope deep down it is anxiety there is always a small part of you with the what ifs? It seems as if ms is a very popular ha worry xxx

12-08-09, 20:55
Hi Rebeccad

I am new to this site but seem to be in the same situation as you - I think I have MS and keep googling symptoms - it's a horrid thing - a few months ago I didnt even know what MS - ignorance is bliss! Know it's all I think about... I hope it passes for both of us!


12-08-09, 21:04
Hi there Rebeccaad,
me too ive got so many pains going on in my legs at the moment im forever thinking ive got ms or parkinsons or some other neurological condition i feel like im going mad at times but what everyone above says is true its all down to one thing anxiety. try to be strong and try not to worry you have nothing wrong with you its all in your anxious mind. take care.