View Full Version : Please Help me with these symptoms

11-08-09, 18:37
First i'd like to say that i've seen the dr or er about once or twice a month for the past 4 months and they've taken blood tests and other tests depending on my symptoms but never find anything which should be good right?
Right now i'm sick,,,feel like throwing up but its not constant it comes and goes and so does this difficult breathing, mostly when i wake in the morning i'm ok but as the day passes i get worse then after awhile i get better for awhile then worse, better, worse, better, etc, UGH! i think you get the picture:blush: and now i feel weak, my arms and legs feel so weak like all i want to do is lay down! I feel like my body is shutting down:weep: This can't be an anxiety symptom could it??? I don't think i've ever felt this way before. It just feels like i'm gonna die:weep:
I've had these symptoms for 4 days now and my hubby just tells me its all in my head and so does everyone else:scared15: Could it be? I can barely eat or drink or do anything,,,i hafta force myself. The last time i went to the er they warned me about comming in so much and only took a blood test and sent me home:( I've been to all the dr's and er's here and they're getting tired of it:weep:
I'm SCARED!:scared15:

11-08-09, 19:44
Sorry you feeling this way. I understand when you say that loved one says thats it in your head. They did that to me too. I know most of the time it is but when your feeling ill they just dont understand it. They never went through it and i dont wish this on anyone but nobody knows hows it feels till they go through it. I use to feel like this and couldn't work. I get reallydizzy and got scared over it. yesterday was a good day but to day i'm feeling little more dizzy then usual. hate it but tring not to get anxious over it. Anyway once again hang in there it will get better and if your lucky it will go way. oh yeah been in and out of the ER 4 times last year this time. Drs offices where they said cant find anything. K take care

11-08-09, 21:00
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I can relate, I get the same way, I wake up and I am sick to my stomach, dizzy and/or lightheaded, shaky, etc. I go on with the day sometimes getting better and sometimes getting worse. I get random headaches, arms and legs hurt, tingling in face and mouth...the list goes on!! I also feel like i haven't slept in days sometimes, then some other days I feel perfectly fine, it is a tough thing to deal with as I am constantly thinking I have something wrong with me!

12-08-09, 18:53
Hi i totally understand how you are feeling! and yes anxiety can do this to you!honest!i know its hard to believe.a few months ago i was like this i was sick everday, i could hardlys eat,id get horrible suffocating feelings especially when feeling sick.couldn't leave the house,felt really really weak and shakey felt like my body coulndt take any more. But it doesnt matter how strong these feelings get they cannot harm you at all you are very safe!! i made the mistake of focusing on all of these symptoms, thinking "what if " what if its something serious.But they are Irrational thoughts so dont listen to them. Just Accept that you have these feelings for now,accept its anxiety and realise it will pass as soon as you loose the fear of feeling like this.Just think so what it cant harm me it will pass. I know how hard it is tho x

18-08-09, 19:45
I get that too :(