View Full Version : My Story

11-08-09, 19:50
Hi All, I am 21 and have been suffering from panic/anxiety for about 18 months

If first happened last March, for no particular reason I began to find it difficult to breathe and racing heartbeat and didnt know what was going to happen to me. It lasted a couple of hours and I thought I was going to faint or even worse die:ohmy:

I had ECG and blood tests and all were fine although I continued feeling really unwell daily for the next few months. There was nothing in my life such as a trauma and I wasnt under ant stress at all or anxious about anything, so not sure why it has happened to me

I had about 6 or so months recently where I went from feeling bad 90% of the time, to feeling OK 90% of the time. But in the last couple of months it has come back. Originally it was just difficulty to breathe/shortness but recently I seem to be obsessed with my heart. I feel my pulse constantly and it normally is about 60 or so but there always seems to be a 'flutter' in the chest and a feeling that something bad could happen. Occaisonly I have the odd stabbing pain in the chest, but I hear this is the muscles in the chest spasm not the heart.

Luckily I have my parents to talk to about this, as both have been through (not sure if it hereditary) - so hopefully it will improve one day.

Sorry to go on and on lol but I just wanted to tell my story:blush:

11-08-09, 20:14
A story I can relate to. Horrible to say this but it's nice to read stories like this as it makes me feel like I am not alone. My Mother also had anxiety/panic and I also feel it is hereditary? Keep trying to get better, you are very young to let it rule your life.
Stacey x
PS... the doc told me to stop taking my pulse!!! Also have you read the palpitations page on this site? It may help? x

12-08-09, 00:48
Hi Macc...

I have been a member since Apr/May and it has been a life-line. If you are feeling really bad you can sound off here without fear of judgement secure in the knowledge that everyone understands, has been there and can offer support & advice.

Take care and keep your chin up