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11-08-09, 19:52
Hello all, surprisingly im not that 'worried' but dont want to google so i will ask here. I have just shaved my legs lol ( very sexy) and noticed that ( im not exagerating) i have 15 bruises on my leg 10 of them are about the size of a 5p and the others maybe slightly bigger that 10p. I have not hit my legs & dont know how they got there. Is this anything to be worried about? xx

11-08-09, 20:16
I am always covered in bruises and no idea where I got them either.

Doc said some people bruise more easily and this is true of my mum too.

11-08-09, 20:36
I tend to bruise the most easily on the front part of my legs. This is normal when you think about how little flesh there is between bone, skin, and veins.

12-08-09, 07:42
I bruise really bad & yes went through the have i got leukemia stage? But i have just accepted now i may have a slightly low platelet count & i just bruise easily now.
The bruises to watch out for are ones on your flank & odd places, chest etc