View Full Version : How long do colds last?

11-08-09, 21:00
I started with a very bunged up nose, fever, achy knees, feeling weak and a headache a week ago. I thought I had sinusitis as I am prone to it at times, saw GP and he said it was swine flu as my symptoms were more like flu.

I have had a blocked nose a week now, not as blocked as it was and I feel over all the other symptoms. When I blow my nose is clear, not coloured. I do a sinus rinse twice a day which helps me blow out alot of rubbish, which is mainly clear with the odd small amount of yellow/green. So hopefully I haven't and am not going to develop sinusitis, I do sometimes with a cold, but how long is a cold supposed to last for?

I am feeling very tired, I am getting only a couple of hours sleep a night because I have 3 ill children now with flu symptoms:blush:

11-08-09, 21:03
Usually 7 to 10 days. There is a saying 3 days coming, 3 days on and 3 days going but everyone is different.

11-08-09, 21:18
So I am still within the normal time then. I just usually end up with sinusitis, so I am hoping this time I can avoid it.

Last year I had a cold for 2 weeks then I got sinusitis on top so am a tad nervous that might happen again.

11-08-09, 23:19
hello again,,your fellow swine flu sufferer here,,mines playing the odd game with me too hun,,atm im having three days clear then its coming back in a milder form,,,lasting a day then dissapearing,,all very odd,but bearable,,,it must be hard having the family down with it now,,,try to rest and stay calm it will go,,take some extra vitamins ,,ive just stocked up,,take care x

12-08-09, 11:15
Hi, my colds used to last about 2 weeks or more until I discovered zinc tablets take them all winter and at the first sign of a could now mine are milder only last 3 days also tons fruit and veg too. Hope you are all feeling better soon... I also gave my kids minadex tonic when they were poorly too.

12-08-09, 11:47
Thank you all, I shal take some extra vits and more fruit juice xxxx