View Full Version : help i can't stop the palps...

11-08-09, 21:03
Have had a really bad day today with palpitations even rung my dr's surgery to speak to the nurse.. i am obsessed that it's my heart and there is something up it's driving me insane what is wrong with me aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh...

Does anyone else get them consistantly on and off for about and hour then can have a good few hours without then it starts again ?? i have been getting them like that for just over a week now and it's getting me down...i am convinced it is my heart x

11-08-09, 21:25
Have an ECG if you havent already and I am sure this will confirm that your heart is 100% fine

I have the same thing daily, a few good hours and a few terrible

11-08-09, 21:31
I get them every now and again, Ive had 2 tonight and ive not had them in ages.

I went through a bad spell of them last year, saw my GP and he reassured me they were normal.

11-08-09, 21:37
Have a read of the palpitations website page on the left - that may help.

11-08-09, 22:10
I get them on and off alllllllll the time, and they last for hours sometimes...i have had every test possible on my heart and they tell me it is a healthy heart!

11-08-09, 22:34
This may help..

There are some techniques to overcome future bouts of this unpleasant phenomenon by using reflexes to reset the heart rate:

Rub your eyelids gently (Try it now! It will make you yawn if done correctly... aaahh)

With the tips of your right first and second fingers rub the left side of your neck (where you would normally check your pulse)


Splash your face with cold water


Squeeze you nose shut, close your mouth, and blow (like when scuba-diving)

11-08-09, 22:35
Did you also see that we have a whole sub forum dedicated to this?