View Full Version : palpitations how often do you get them ??

11-08-09, 21:06
I am having a really bad week this week haven't had them this bad for ages and it's really stressing me out i was just wondering how often do other people get them ??? do you get them everyday??? i don't usually but i have for the last week or so and it's started getting me down.. how severe are they ??? do you sometimes think they will make your heart completely stop ???:scared15:

11-08-09, 21:21
You heart is a powerful muscle and can work incredibly hard, but I know exactly what you are going through.

I am always checking my pulse and usually it feels very fast, even though judging by my pulse it isn't at all. Palps happen occaisonly as well, to a varying degree

This problem happens to me daily and I find avoiding stimulants, i.e big meals, coffee/tea/coca cola etc helps a little

There are many people out there with exactly the same issue as you, on a daily basis, and it might not be much comfort but they will improve when you come to accept they arent harmful (although I am having a problem telling myself at the moment!)

11-08-09, 21:46
I have been getting them for about 3-4 years and I can say I check my pulse everyday, always feels heavey and fast, even if its not fast really.
the thing is, the more you check for it, the more you will get it and it can be hard work making yourself think its harmless.. but I am still here after 3 years :P

I find I get it more if I am tired or eat a large meal.

12-08-09, 10:03
I get them most days atleast once but i take stimulants, heart palps don't tend to phase me,,sometimes i can actually enjoy them..it sounds weird but sometimes i get the smalles amount of headrush as me blood pressure is re-adjusted..like when you stand up to fast

Everyone loves a bit of headrush

12-08-09, 11:49
I get them all day long especially when im tired & after i have eaten...vile things!

12-08-09, 14:55
I get them all day long especially when im tired & after i have eaten...vile things!
Nickie i notice you are a nurse do you get yours checked out at work???? do they worry you even though you are a nurse and deal with this sort of stuff ???

I have a heart complaint and always panic that it's cause of that even tho i get checked every year and they tell me all is fine i can't help the worry in the back of my mind x

12-08-09, 15:00
I don't get them checked at work & didn't really notice i had them until a random ECG picked them up the other day. Yes of course they worry me- more so cause i know too much.

We all have this worry in the back of our mind its health anxiety!

13-08-09, 02:10
I get them frequently, but what has helped me i brought an ipod touch , and downloaded this widget called Pulse checker, anyhow i put my finger on my pulse and tap the screen with each beat its so kewl, then i get a reading if its like 60-70 i am reassured for the next 5hrs till i do it again..But its helped alot, that and the relaxation widget! :winks:

13-08-09, 09:07
I used to have them every day. But now I have them once in a blue moon. I know its scary, but the more you focus on it the worse it will become. Smae with most of the symptoms you get with the Illness.

13-08-09, 09:31
Kenboons rite ! The more you think about them the worse they get . I tend tto ignore them them if it happens now as annoying as they are . But the others are rite to ,lack of sleep and stimulants ie ,coffee etc ,and stress will bring them on .

13-08-09, 19:34
Kenboons rite ! The more you think about them the worse they get . I tend tto ignore them them if it happens now as annoying as they are . But the others are rite to ,lack of sleep and stimulants ie ,coffee etc ,and stress will bring them on .

I'm always right, as my Mrs will tell you :winks: lol

All of the above will bring it on. Excercise will you help alot. I know at times you either don't feel like it or you are to anxious, but even a dance to your favourite song will help burn off the adrenalin and help eleviate the symptoms.

It will fade in time