View Full Version : Inner Upperlip Lump :(

12-08-09, 05:20
Heya all, Its me, once again here for reassurance ^^

I was just watching some tv, when for some reason I though. "Hrmsh. why is my upper lip feeling weird". Not really a really anoying feeling, but still that subtle feeling like something is there.

I decided to feel with my tongue and felt a tiny lump, just before that thin line that connects your upper lip and gums.

I got that increase of heartbeat and hole in the stomach feeling right away, and rushed to the mirror to have a look, where I spotted a little red lump, its really small, hard and I can pull it off the lip by a very small distance, it feels pretty mobile but thats probably because of the soft lip tissue, its not really inside the lip, but more laying ontop of that soft wet skin..

Back when my HA first started & I still googled alot I saw pictures of Oral Cancer, and some also looked like red lumps :<

I guess my current main fear is Oral Cancer, because last week I was here aswell, with a numb feeling at another part of my mouth..

Anyway..do any people happen to have some reassuring words? :(

Kind regards,

Kraggy :bighug1:

Edit: Bah, Just tried making a doctors appointment...but I got the msg machine saying Blablabla Vacation Period Closed blablabla...They got a spare number in case of emergency, but I doubt "Another Hypochondriac that needs a lump checked up" is concidered an emergency..

12-08-09, 08:15
I too have fears of oral cancer. But as my dentist tells me you get lots of bumps in your mouth. Its most likely just where you have bitten your lip or even a little blood blister. It will most likely go away with the next week. If you are worried go to the dentist as they know more than the doctor about your mouth.


12-08-09, 11:00
Ive got that too, i think everyone does.

Hope your okay today


12-08-09, 15:56
LisaLisa, you ment a tiny little bump between the upper lip & The teeth gums, just before that thin line? If everyone has it I would be very relieved, but I never noticed it before in my life xP Thank you both for replying ^^ and im a bit better then this morning when I wrote the post..Got to go work soon though, so that makes things a bit worse! :P

12-08-09, 23:34
Hrmsh..im actually thinking of just pulling it off. It feels like its connected to the inner side of my upper lip with only a thin thread and that I could easily just pull it off. "Just in case" But im afraid this would cause an infection hrmsh. Choices..Choices.. :wacko:

13-08-09, 07:59
It will most likely go on its own but if you are really worried go see the dentist.

13-08-09, 08:22
Don't pull ot off. It will make it all sore etc and open your imagination to nightmares. Let it go by itself. Give it a week before you even think about worrying.

13-08-09, 23:53
Myeah..I guess I'll just wait a week and then make a DR's appointment if he's back from Vacation....I've been tugging a bit at it, but other then changing its shape. (It became thin & stretched :P) It didn't really do much :P

I hate it when I get some random lump...