View Full Version : Slightly Strange Symptom..

03-10-05, 20:27
OK this is slightly strange but, I wonder if this can be Anxiety, because it seems I have had it for so long, I feel like I have a slightly chesty cough, often, its mild but it IS there, I have been on 2 courses of anti-biotics weeks ago and they did nothing at all, I have had it for about 3 months+ and it just seems to be the same, I have had blood tests and they came back fine apparently, I can also train at the gym to a high level without it interfering, apart from interfering in the way that I am scared, which in turn fear causes other problems, but it seems to be nothing but an irritant and not actually cause me PROBLEMS as such, physical etc, its just there, is it possible Anxiety can make a symptom like this?

I am not sure what else to do, and to be honest it is starting to worry me now.

Am I Awake? Or Still Dreaming?

03-10-05, 20:33
Hi Fen I posted a similar post the day before yesterda.

Has anyone had this? I have had a cough for weeks now maybe even a month or two. Been to Doctor and she says my chest sounds ok for my age and considering I smoke. This cough is like I need to cough up something from my chest or lungs I keep coughing but there don’t seem to be anything there. At time I feel the need to cough so much then get chest and middle back ache I think from coughing. It’s not a dry tickly cough, Its like I need to get something from my chest or lungs. Does anyone know if there is such thing as a nervous cough through anxiety? Thanks Vernon
Is this similar?. take care, Vernon

03-10-05, 22:22
I started having panic attacks a few months ago, and lately I feel anxiety quite a lot of the time. when I'm anxious my chest quite often feels tight, and i feel the need to cough. There's never anything there, and it's not in my throat - it's not tickly... But I just feel the need to cough.

It sounds pretty similar. I don't smoke and I'm only 26, so I ought not to feel this! I don't feel it all the time, only on and off.

04-10-05, 09:31
you could feel the need to cough as when your having a PA your throat tightens up even though theres nothing to cough up butu may feel the need to cough ive asked many professional docs about this and thats what they told me they say its nothing to worry about but its irritating [Sigh...]

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part