View Full Version : Circulation Issues

12-08-09, 10:02
Hi all,

I haven't had health worries (apart from smoking too much) for a while but last night i noticed a large red either rash or bruise on the bottom of my right calf muscle its about 2 inches in length. Along with that I keep suffering a weird feeling around my body like my blood is hot if that makes sense? Also minor pins and needles all over. I now am banging my head against a brick wall trying to work out if this is anxiety or something serious as I did have a stressful time in the past week. Does anyone recognise this? should I be worried?


12-08-09, 10:46
Hi Carl

Think i know the feeling that you are talking about and think that too much smoking and stress can make you have pretty wierd sensations and think about them too much.

Im not sure about the bruise, rash thing, i presume its like a bruise but more mottled and redder?

I always think with bruises and things that if there was a problem you wouldnt be just wondereing, i think it would be intensely obvious.
Someone else posted on here about bruises and the replies were pretty good. Really a bruise is just a bruise.
Should you be worried??? You have HA so yes you will and should be, but if you were calm and rationale and not an anxiety sufferer then NO you shouldnt and wont be.

Do you go to the docs a lot?


12-08-09, 11:18
Hi, thanks for the reply.

I used to go to the docs a lot or call nhs direct but I havent for ages as i put everything down to anxiety these days but no matter how on top I get another symptom seems to catch me out and get me questioning myself again lol.


12-08-09, 12:30
Oh I know I am the same.

I used to phone the Terrence Higgins Trust everyday about hiv fear.

I am going to CBT so its helping and i dont phone anymore. I am still using internet too much though and worrying about lots of body stuff.

I havent been to the dr for a while becuae in actuall fact i didnt want to have to go after a while of going all the time. The goog thing is my psychologist 'banned' me from going unless an obvious emergency which takes the pressure of me to work out whether i need to go or not.

I hope your feeling a bit better, ive just totally freaked myself out now.....going to post something......aaaaaahhhh
