View Full Version : feeling anxious and so so sad

12-08-09, 10:39
i havent been on here in such a long time have been doing great lately, my dad dot diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in feb, it is termianl and he is so poorly.
this has really triggered off my anxiety again i have good and bad days and am today just feeling so sad and alone like i dont have anyone, i am due to have my 3rd baby in october which should be such a happy event but i just cant feel happy as i am so unsure if my dad is going to be here in october, i am sorry for ranting on i just feel like i have noone to talk to i feel like i dont want to go out again, like i cant be bothered with myself just so so low am so scared i am going to go back to how i was last year which was an anxious shaky mess...

thankyou for listening xx

12-08-09, 12:27
Aw honey that is such sad news, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. You say you're having a third baby? That's lovely :) Do you have a partner to support you through this tough time?

Try to include your dad as much as possible in the preparations for the new baby, as I am sure he must be thrilled for you, as well as so sad that he may not get to meet him/her.

I hope things improve for you, anxiety-wise, soon, and that your dad is as comfy as possible. I'm sure you're being a wonderful daughter to him, so try to take some comfort in that.

Much, much love

Sarah xxx

13-08-09, 18:34
sarah thankyou so much for your reply, made me cry.
i do have a husband who is very supportive of me, i am just so so down finding it hard to pick myself up, and that is when my anxiety gets a hold on me, have been feeling dizzy and so breathless again am petrified.

but i am going to try and look forward and be positive for my dad and my family thankuoi xx

13-08-09, 19:20
I'm glad I could help a bit! Don't forget to take time to look after yourself whilst you're caring for others as well :)

Much love xxx

13-08-09, 19:26
So sorry to hear about your dad but congratulations on your pregnancy. I have had a friend in similar position to you and she said that all the worry didn't help either her or her dying dad. Her 'baby' is now 10 and her dad dead 10 + years and she has just had another baby (her 3rd) last year. Life has never been better for her and 11 years ago she couldn't have even picked herself up let alone imagine this joy. She was on ADs for over 8 years and came off them to try for her last baby and has never looked back.
Try to concentrate on making the most of the time you have left with your dad and good luck for October. PM me if you ever feel alone or scared again,
Take care

15-08-09, 19:24
thankyou for all your lovely replys, we are going to cherish every last moment we have left with my dad we are having a boy and we are calling him ali which is my dads nickname, spent all day with him today making sure i tell him how much i love him, he is the most amazing man in the whole world xxxx

15-08-09, 20:02
That is so important. Look after yourself too at this time but if you keep telling him and showing him that you love him you will have no regrets, ever.
Enjoy all the time you have together and make memories for the future to share with your kids.

15-08-09, 20:35
you are a really brave person hon thinking off you xxxxxxx

26-08-09, 20:36
thankyou so much xxx
am trying hard to stay strong taking each day as it comes is so hard being pregnant at a time like this am so lucky to have you all to talk too xxx

26-08-09, 21:06
Every day you have together is precious and a day closer to when your baby boy will arrive. Remember to take care of yourself too xxx

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


26-08-09, 21:49
Hi there,
firstly my heart goes out to you im so sorry to hear about your dad that is so sad...I, like you, was pregnant with my 3rd child when my dad died, it resulted in me getting depression but giving birth to my son was the light at the end of a long tunnel he was my saviour and im sure your little boy will be the same for you and your family. Both my parents have now passed away but they are never really that far believe me...God Bless xx