View Full Version : Sox and the Fear of people

12-08-09, 12:40
Hi everyone my name is Steven but please call me Sox.

I was always a shy child but as I have gotten older its turned in Social Anxiety, panic attacks and now Depression and its taken me 4 years to get any real help.

I am scared to talk to people, use phones or go far from my safe zone (home) and also suffer from health anxiety because of the symptoms.

but I have come to the point where I cant live like this anymore and I finaly got a doctor that listened to my real problems and is trying to help me, along with this site and the very helpful people I hope to beat my fears and have a "normal" life :scared15:

So hello all!

12-08-09, 20:18
Hello Sox, welcome to NMP

Glad to hear you have finally sought the help of a professional. Please please please listen to them and do everything they suggest. Really make the effort, it can make a world of difference. Your problems will make a lot of your efforts seem almost impossible, but if you try to keep your eye on the end result, it will be a bit easier. Good luck to you and best wishes.


12-08-09, 20:26
Thank you for the reply, I am planning to do everything I am told, I know its going to be far from easy.. but my girlfriend broke up with me because she couldnt cope with my problems anymore, I loved her alot and am scared that if I dont work towards sorting it out I will always be lonely.


12-08-09, 20:42
Man, you are not alone. It's horrible that social anxiety has such an affect on relationships and that just makes things worse cos then you become more isolated. I'm in a very similar situation...even down to using phones..I have a panic attack just hearing the ringing, lol. I think getting the help is great. I'm gonna get help too..finally. You definitely have to work real hard cos it's like working against your own mind. Your social anxiety has manipulated everything in your life so that you become lonely and isolated and now it's time to fight back(how cheesy that sounds, oh well).

It's terrible to think that a little bit of shyness can turn into something so darn mentally paralysing but now you can hopefully get the help you require. I wish you all the best!

12-08-09, 22:37
Thank you for the kind words and I'm sorry to hear you have the same kinda problems, keep us updated how you go :)
and don't worry about sounding Cheesy... sometimes it needs to be said!

12-08-09, 22:58
Hi Sox,

welcome to NMP. I am suffering from depression & anxiety, but I feel that slowly I am getting better. I have a nephew (aged 7) who is having similar problems to yourself and is seeing a therapist, so I feel for you. Be strong and you will get there

Take care, Chantelle

31-08-09, 03:24
I seem to have my anxiety, panic under control with meds and a reinvention of myself, but, I still can't answer telephones at home or mobile, unless the caller ID tells me who it is, I think if its important they will leave a message! Strangely I can answer the telephone at work, no problem! Very weird!

02-09-09, 19:48
Hey I am a newbie on here too. Please dont think that you are on your own. I think and hope that this website can help us all.xx