View Full Version : Globus? Can I be Anxious and Not Even Know it?

12-08-09, 17:13
Hi all,
I have had this feeling of a lump in my throat for about 2 weeks now. I am aware of globus and that it can be brought on by anxiety (which I am usually full of) and stress, but I didn't think I was feeling anxious or stressed when it all started. I went to the ER and they said it was globus - barely did tests however, and put me on prevacid. I have been taking them and no change. I wonder if it could have been brought on by some sort of anxiety and me not really recognize? I know now that I am anxious and feel it getting worse when i start to panic thinking about it being cancer. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Can anxiety now sneak up on me lol?

12-08-09, 17:59
I have had it on and off for over 2 years and was never anxious all the time.

I think sometimes we just get it for no reason.

12-08-09, 18:08
I have had anxiety for along time now and I didnt even know I had it. I always felt I just had loads of pysical health problems, but it was more the fact I didnt really understand anxiety, not that it had sneaked up on me.

13-08-09, 02:31
I think it can sneak up on you, yes. I went through a really bad patch with my anxiety about 2 months ago and as I got better I felt globus and it has stayed with me ever since. As I said I felt like I was getting better then this hit me and oddly enough the issues which brought on this rough patch had more or less been resolved so I really didn't have a clue how it could be globus as I wasn't anxious.
The thing is though you are anxious-you're focusing on this feeling and thats why it won't go away even though you don't feel terribly anxious. I feel so hypocritical in saying this but if you don't focus on it it will go away.Last night my family had a quiz night and for 3 hours I forgot about it.
As for it being cancer I'd say this was highly unlikely-easy for me to say because I don't worry about cancer (which makes me feel weird on here because everyone else seems to lol) but by all means for reassurance you could speak to your doctor but it is likely s/he will tell you the same thing as the hospital.

Take care.