View Full Version : What can i expect from a support worker?

12-08-09, 17:15
Hi i have an appointment next Wednesday with a support work and of course im anxious about it and was wondering if anyone had any ideas to what i can expect?
The reason the appointment was made is because im on s.s.p - sick pay and i have a history of been bullied at work so every time a plan to go back to work i relapse and end up at square 1!! And my counseller suggested there may be a way i can hand in my notice so i can move on and claim sick pay some other ways lol she wasn't to sure! lol so im nervous and unsure about what to expect, will she have information from counseller or what? any advice greatly recieved thanx x x

13-08-09, 08:42

13-08-09, 10:03
I was a support worker for three years , gave it up as i was worse than half my clients at times ! LOL . As long as you get someone with a bit of understanding of what your going through youl be fine , they get nervouse as well not knowing what to expect of the person they are goin to work with , Or was that just me LOL .,, Its just someone to talk to and help you out in anyway they can . Youl be fine :)