View Full Version : Tired, Tired, Tired

12-08-09, 17:25
Hello Everyone. Well three weeks on and I am still so tired :huh:

I am getting out more but wow am I whaked out, everyday feels like a marathon has happened to my body. On a plus note, I am eating now just wish I could get my energy back.

Doctors wont do any more tests unless I am still feeling like this after 6 weeks from when I got the flu. They also think that depression has it part to play.

Do you think I should insist on a full blood test?


12-08-09, 18:01

I have had a full blood test and everything was clear. i like you experience tiredness all the time and especially when i go out and do something after not doing anything for a while. i am now thinking that mine is down to depression now just because i have had the blood tests done. if you feel you want a full blood test just incase then im sure your gp can send you for one.

hope that has helped a little


12-08-09, 18:24
Tiredness is one of the first things I started going to the doctors about (before I knew I had Anxiety) and had just about every blood test he could think of.. it all came back clear and I felt better knowing this. If you have not had all the tests before then you should get them done, but it sounds like your doctor has been happy that your tests are all clear if he doesn't want to send you on anymore for 6 weeks.

but be careful, some people (like me) worry, waiting for the results!


12-08-09, 21:49
Hi, Thanks for your replies.

I had full blood work about 3 months ago, when I was in hospital with heart problems which turned out to be back problems:blush:

They all came back normal, I have an appt with the doctor on the 27th August for follow up on my medication etc. Just started back on Floxoratine (excuse spelling).

I know waiting for test results is worrying and drives me nuts but it is better knowing. I will see how this week goes if I am not getting any better and still worrying (for a change). I will book to see him earlier.

My latest fear is there is something wrong with my blood i.e Luekemia or something like that.

Anxiety sucks!


13-08-09, 08:27
Yes. And a B12 blood test to check your iron levels. This often causes chronic tiredness.

13-08-09, 08:41
Hi xfilme, are you saying yes to Anxiety sucks or yes that you think there may be something really wrong me with me.....sorry my anxiety is high this morning.

Did not sleep well.


14-08-09, 10:36
sorry, it was in reference to you saying "Do you think I should insist on a full blood test?". Chronic tiredness is often caused by anaemia, its the last thing docs check if you dont ask them, but often the cause.

14-08-09, 12:53
I also have chronic tiredness. I never feel awake and spend my afternoon napping as I am that exhausted. The more I do the tireder I feel. I've had full bllod works and all have come back normal which my Dr was suprised at. She thought I was aneamic I look that pale but I'm not

14-08-09, 13:30
did she do a b12 test? or just a full blood test? only a b12 test checks your iron stores too, which sometimes, like me you can be deficiency and experience the symptoms of anaemia, without actually being anaemic. Do you know your levels at all?

14-08-09, 16:52
I am at the doctors at the end of the month so will speak to him about the blood test and B12 thanks for the advice. I have managed to do more this week and my mood has lifted a bit which has really helped.

I am still tired and my legs and arms hurt but no where near as bad as they did before, hopefully my energy is returning (fingers crossed!).