View Full Version : scared and tired

04-10-05, 07:38
Any advice please almost every night at 4.a.m i wake with a jolt then anxious/nervous i try not to let it go intoa full blown panic and then i don't or can't go back to sleep, i am on edge a lot of the time, but as the evening draws in a usually feel a little more relaxed, especially if i have a couple of beers, i am so tired and fed up and scared that i have some awful disease, please advise. thanks xxxx

04-10-05, 07:53
When you wake up is there something you can do that will distract you and make you tired at the same time.

For me that's TV I alway's fall asleep at night when I'm watch tv even when i reall dont wanty to sleep lol.

Any thing to distract your mind and calm your body a shower or bath to relax a book dont focus on falling back to sleep the adrenilin that is in your system after the anxiety has already started is enought for your body to over come with out also dealing the presure of worring about sleeping. Sometime's sleep come's better when we dont want to sleep. It just an idea. I have never really had much trouble with getting to sleep but i do get restless night where I just cant seem to stay asleep. I sometimes getting help and did see a new story on a tv not long ago about depriving the body of sleep in order to to trick the body to start sleeping better. Thay would go in a wake people up once thay were asleep something about the body really sleeping but not knowing it was sleep a bit over my head.

Finding a distraction is good other than that maybe exercise might help walking around the house for a while or using equiptment ect adrenilin will wake your body up so that you fight the fight but when there is no fight to fight then it has energy that need to be burned off.

04-10-05, 09:27
have u tried relaxation techniques? i find them really good when this happens to me, or i lay and read a good book that helps me relax more and it also makes me tired enough to go back to sleep - i know its difficult i know from my experiances

it may be worth a try even if you only try it once

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

04-10-05, 10:22
Hi Carlin

I get this too. Doing the breathing exercises helps - like 7/11 breathing - in for a count of 7 and out for 11 (or whatever count is comfortable for you as long as the out breath is longer than the in breath).

If I am still feeling anxious I do some self-hypnosis or use one of my relaxation CDs.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

04-10-05, 15:30
Thank you so much for your replies i have even started dreading going to bed?? Forgot to mention that after i wake i get palpitations which in turn scare me, but have read a few previous posts on this site and hopefully, feel a little re-assured that i will not die from a few palps. (i hope) thanks xxxxxxxxx

04-10-05, 15:37
*almost every night at 4.a.m i wake with a jolt *

This has now become a body time clock issue - time to wake up and feel worried.

Check that there isn't a noise at that time , ie timers clicking ovre, hot water tank gurgling, milk delivery etc

You need to break the habit. Cd's, warm milk, going to bed earlier or later.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

04-10-05, 15:52
Hi Carlin

I know how you feel.i usually get to sleep ok but have trouble staying asleep!
Try the relaxation techniques,having a bath etc.The fact that you are dreading going to bed almost predicts that you are going to have a restless night.
Wish i could follow my own advice!!

Hunny x

04-10-05, 18:10
hi Carlin,

Try doing different thing before bed that make you relax. Have warm milk, do some relaxation, listen to music, do some reading..

Sarah :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

04-10-05, 18:44
hi Carlin,
sorry you haven't been sleeping well.. like the others said, its becoming a bit of a habit now.. i used to get this alot when i was in my acute stage and the last couple of days ive had a horrible cold and woken up with coughing fits.. for a brief moment I think, oh god i can't breathe i'm dying.. then i think, Lisa - this is classic panic attack thinking! then i talk to myself (in my head of course!!) its only a panic it cant hurt me, soon i will be asleep.. you could even try naming animals from a-z or fruits and see how far you get before the panic drifts away..
good luck,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

04-10-05, 19:56
Hi Jean, I am not the right one to reply when it comes to sleeping habits etc but I just wanted you to know Im here for you as you always are for me, anything at all I can do and please Pm, I am sending you cuddles and hugs,xxxlove Alexis,xxx


05-10-05, 09:51
Hi Carlin,

I often have little spells of waking up with a jolt usually as the result of some nightmare of not being able save loved ones from some horrible peril or having a row that I didn't have in real life so feeling really angry.

This can wake me then, feeling all panicky and fluttery. I have to say I am now seeing this as not such a bad thing as it is releasing tension/emotion and I lay back down and tell myself its only a dream, change the thought and breathe nice and calmly.

Like all our anxiety symptoms when they become our focus they seem to get larger.

Whatever it is that is triggering this it will pass as it has come, so don't spend time worrying about it. Check out the practical possible causes as Meg suggests and if its not those then just look into general relaxation. I love Glenn Harrold cd's for this - have you ever tried these??

Love Piglet :)

05-10-05, 13:30
Thanks again everyone, i took all of your advice, c.d's hot drink, etc...still woke at 4-15, settled myself a little but it is just the palpitations that are scaring me? why do i get them when i wake with a jolt, am i seriously ill? just scared and freaked out at the moment, did read losts of old posts about palps. and now need to say to myself, they will not harm me and will go away if i ignore them, i wish. thanks xxxxx

05-10-05, 13:38
Hi Carlin

If I doze off during the evening on the sofa and wake suddenly I always get palpitations. You are not seriously ill it's just the anxiety chuck and it will eventually go away.

Take care

Elaine x

05-10-05, 14:35
*why do i get them when i wake with a jolt,*

Because waking with a jolt brings with it a sudden rush of adrenaline which gets the system working faster which can lead to palps.

Even if you do wake with a jolt try to ease it in, don't open you eyes wide, take it gently.

Treat yourself like you would one of your children with a recurrent nightmare. Gently and slowly.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

05-10-05, 22:12
Hi Carlin,:)

I to get this I wake up with a jolt i think oh no what's wrong then that sets my pulps of. Vicious circle hey.

When it happens take some calm breaths and talk to yourself tell yourself there's nothing to worry about.

It's just your body has gotton used to doing it each night and you end up so afraid before you go to bed that it's gonna happen that it does.

It's like your sub consciously telling it to happen. You have to try and un train your mind again as people have said different routines and positive thinking might help. I know it's not easy and I still struggle at times.

Good luck hun;)

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X X X