View Full Version : Fear of Going Mad

12-08-09, 18:18
Hi all,
As i guess everyone is on here, i am generally a stressful person.

But recently my main worry / phobia has been that I will crack up and go mental. I imagine being carted off to some assylum somewhere and it fills me with dread! ive decided enough is enough and that I need to take proactive action.
Can anyone recommend a decent book or website (or in fact any guidance) on where I can find info on how to get rid of this dread.

any advice is appreciated

12-08-09, 22:33

Just thought i'd say that I can really sympathise with your fear, I used to have a very strong feeling / fear of exactly the same thing, though it has subsided to almost nothing with the help of my doctor and a bit of research. Can't really recommend any books that I have read but try having a look at www.anxietynomore.co.uk (http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk) as I think the guy who runs the site has his own book about his experiences. There are a lot of web sites out there all claiming to offer some cure or another for a small fee but that one seems really genuine. I still get this fear every now and then, mostly when i'm stressed (like now!) but with understanding you can really overcome it :)

Best wishes xx

13-08-09, 15:06

I know exactly what you mean by fearing that your going mad. That's what I used to feel like knowing that I had mental illness in my family. Then I had a chat with a few people who work in mental health and they all said that people with mental problems think that there is nothing wrong with them, they actually feel like they are ok and everything they do is normal, however to everyone else they are raving mad.

So the fact that your worrying about going mental is a clear indicator that your not. A little bit backwards way of thinking but that is the truth. The feelings your probably feeling (going off what I went through) is a surreal feeling as if the world has suddenly become a strange place, maybe your sight has gone a little weird, like vivid, and you feel jittery and a bit twitchy. Its normal !!!

If this isn't the case though then please explain what your going through in more detail, just to see if it is anxiety or not.



26-08-09, 22:43

I hope that you're feeling a bit better. This is something that I struggle with on a day to day basis. I suffer quite badly with derealisation at the moment that links in to this feeling. Its like i'm looking at the most familiar items all around be, as if I have never seen them before. This scares me so much and I have thought I was loosing it on several occasions. However, I think that what Dafydd has said is absolutely right, about we wouldn't know if we were loosing it and I try to remeber this everytime I feel so scared. I hope that your fears start to subside really soon. Take care of yourself,

Joanne :)