View Full Version : PAINS IN THE LEFT SIDE!!!

04-10-05, 08:00
Just wanting to know if anyone else finds that most of their aches and discomforts are in their left side?Mines are and this is begining to become a concern as your left side is where all your major organs and arteries are and this is leading me to worry about my heart!

Thanks for reading.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

04-10-05, 08:47
Yes! Most of my pains are definately on my left side! I have no idea why that is though. Maybe someone else will know?

lucy x

04-10-05, 09:22
hi jammie

i get pains mostly on my left side of my body but i also get them on my right side of my body i tend not to worry seeing as ive had nearly all the tests that could b done for my heart and everything was all clear the hosp said its just stress thats causing the muscles on the left side to contract more dunno why its more left than right

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

04-10-05, 10:31
In my case I get pains all over.

When I had my very first panic attack my right arm went numb.

Maybe we worry more when the pains are down the left side (knowing that this is where people having heart attack feel the pain) and by worrying about the pains we make them worse.
(I think that makes sense)...

Bye for now

04-10-05, 20:52
I wonder if it has anything to do with what side is your dominant one. What I mean is, if you are right handed then you use the right side of your body more than the left so could that you hold more tension in that side.
Sorry if that doesn't make sense!! It's just a thought.


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

20-10-05, 15:06
I was at the doctors yesturday and she said that the pains and numbness of the left side is..........yes you guessed it........anxiety!!!! She listenend to my heart and lungs and said that they were healthy and she found nothing to be concerned about!

I think in a way I am dissapointed that it's anxiety, not that I want to have something serious, but I just feel that if it was then at least that would be more of an explination. I even tried to explain that it was these feelings that made me anxious, but she still said it was anxiety! I just dont' under stand how I can be happy and enjoying my self but then out of the blue have such bad pains in my chest and arm but it just be anxiety!!

Just as I think that I'm getting my head around it all eh?!

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

20-10-05, 18:05

I agree that the left sided pains seem to be the more dominant--

But, I also agree with them being on the left side because that is the side that is most feared!! I think that you just naturally worry about pains on your left side, even if you are blessed enough not to have anxiety!!

20-10-05, 19:17
*I just dont' under stand how I can be happy and enjoying my self but then out of the blue have such bad pains in my chest and arm but it just be anxiety!!*

Claire ,

Maybe the pains come on as they would with anyone, but when you notice them , you dwell and worry about it causing further and increased anxiety and increasing the likelyhood of having muscle twinges .


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-10-05, 00:08
Thanx guys for your replies.

I know that it's the anxiety, I think that deep down I knew that this was going to be my answer. I'm just getting so fed up of not being able to be 'normal', whatever that is anyways, just as I think I have a handle on it, it pops back up.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"