View Full Version : Vertigo type sensations

04-10-05, 10:56
I'm sat here at work and all of a sudden the room seemed to spin for a few seconds which was quite scary and now it feels like my head inside is spinning every so often for a 2nd or two. I'm sorry its not explained very well but its difficult to try and put it into words. The room isnt spinning it feels like something in my head is.
What I want to know is if its an anxiety symptom or a vertigo type thing? Has anyone else suffered with it at all?

Many thanks


04-10-05, 13:08
Hi Tim,
I get that feeling every so often too, and yes it is a definate anxiety symptom, I have learnt to ignore it now and it soon passes.
take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

04-10-05, 15:15

I have that too - kind of like a head rush and you feel all woozy for a few seconds then it goes.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

04-10-05, 15:27
Fluttering sensation in back of head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4820)
walking funny, head rushes and dizziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3610)
Head Rush (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4301)
Sounds daft I know, but head shivers! Eh?? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3814)
weird head sensations! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5475)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

04-10-05, 15:47
Hi Tim, I get the same from time to time too.

Hope you are soon feeling better.


04-10-05, 18:11
I get this as well sometimes - just part of the anxiety..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

05-10-05, 11:26
Thanks for all your support guys, this site is so good because You realise you are not alone, and it always helps to know that others get the same feelings as you, so thanks for all your support guys, its really appreciated!


05-10-05, 14:06

i get those type of symptoms every now and again but i get them mainly when im in bed lying down its like the inside of my head is spinning or at least my eyes are which may sound funny but thats what it feels like , even though i know its all down to pa's and symptoms i still do worry when this happens.

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

22-09-07, 09:06

Came accross this thread while looking for some reasurrance on a new symptom of balance problems. The last few days have been 100mph dealing with a neigbour dispute, my dad been ill, work problems. Ironically I felt my head spinning when trying to deal with these issues but it took my mind off all my other symptoms. Sadly a new symptom has crept in the last few days. When I walk quickly between rooms I sometimes knock my sholder on the door frame on numerous occasions. I feel as if I am mildly drunk. Then last night I woke up on the sofa after falling asleep in front of the box and I could not walk straight. I went to bed and laid there wondering why I was feeling like this, as with anxiety I wound myself up and did not want to get up just in case the symptom was still there. When I eventually did I still felt light headed and slightly off balance.

I assume this is anxiety even though I had just woke up and did not feel anxious?

Can anyone relate to this?



22-09-07, 10:15
Hi there,

I get this feeling too. It is so scary at the time as I am convinced it is something life threatening.

Hope you are okay now.

22-09-07, 18:13
Hi Mark

I have had this many times too, even when i havent felt anxious:ohmy: , there have been times when i have had to hold onto things as i have felt im going to fall over.:ohmy: Its a awful feeling so can understand how you feel.

Try this link Mark from the common problem section of the forum


22-09-07, 19:19
I was told by my gp for the past 5 years its just anxiety,
however I have just found out I had a inner ear disorder ,
I have Vestibular visual vertigo ,
I put info on it on my other post on the panic forum.


16-08-08, 00:48
Me too I get it! So that just convinces me that it's nerves!!

16-02-09, 18:45
Hi everyone I am new to this site. I too have this weird spinning sensation especially when I am in a crowd of people. When I start to panic it seems as the whole room just starts going in a circle and almost as though everything kind of repeats itself for a second. It's very scary and makes me lose my balance. Just wondering if other people have this experience. Thanks!

16-02-09, 18:47
Also can anyone tell me how to strat a new thread?

16-02-09, 21:26
This will help you to post a new thread :D


17-02-09, 08:23
I get this vertigo alot now, every time i go to bed and try to sleep.
My anxiety level is really high and it feel like i am falling even though i am in bed.

I last for some second only but can come 2-3 times in the evening.
When i get this it also feels like i loose all air in my lungs. Very frightening.

My doctor and the neurolog i been seing saying it is all anxiety reaction.

/ Daniel

06-05-09, 13:44
hi can any one tell me if they get these fillings when i laying down you get like a head rush and fill like you are going to pass out it makes you fill every strange for a min then it passes

06-05-09, 14:31
hi can any one tell me if they get these fillings when i laying down you get like a head rush and fill like you are going to pass out it makes you fill every strange for a min then it passes

This is just the way i feel it:lac: :mad:

Hope you get better soon, it is a nasty feeling.

06-05-09, 18:33
Hi there, I was in bed one Saturday morning 18 months ago ( I had a breakdown 3 years ago) and woke up in a really bad state. I was very dizzy. It was like something in my head was going round and round. My balance had gone and I didnt know which way was up. It was by far my worst experience of dizziness I have ever had and I am turned 50 now. I was terrified and thought I was having a stroke or something. I cried all weekend after that. My doctor said it was positional vertigo. Needless to say I was nervous about going to bed the next night but I was ok. Scared but ok. Since then, I have had it in a mild fashion and as Dazo said above, I get it when I am trying to get to sleep. I get these waves of dizziness and my balance going. Sometimes it takes a while to get to sleep with it. I have elevated the head of my bed so that it stops the bad dizziness - it was suggested to me. And it has helped. But only 2 weeks ago, the bad dizziness that happened 18 months ago came back!! Thankfully not as bad. And it was gone in about 20 seconds. But it has left me only too aware that my bed is not the safest place after all and it had been for all my life leading up to when I was seriously dizzy that day. The anxiety made it worse too. It seemed to last 30 years but it can only have been 30 seconds if I am honest. So yes I know just how this feels too. An absolute nightmare.
