View Full Version : another wierd ladies question

13-08-09, 12:21
Sorry this is bizzare I know

Would girls mind telling me do they notice any changes to their mood and 'interest in doing it' - ( sorry!!!!) about the middle of their monthly cycle.

Im really worried becuae I notice that i feel really weird around that time. I feel a little hyper and am more interested in sex that usual. Its the hyper thing that scares me.......:weep: It makes me feel agitated and a little out of control...although thats a big fear for me anyway so i guess i would focus on it maybe more than others might.

Sorry, would really really really appreciate if anyone could ket me know it they get this because i feel a bit like a freak.

Also has any one notice an increase in body hair as they have gotten older? Like darker or thicker leg hair?, gross i know but toe hairs?? ( not lots i mean just a few) When I say older Im 32.



13-08-09, 12:39
Hi Lisa,

I would say I am more interested in 'doing it' around the middle of the cycle. I read somewhere that this is your bodies way of trying to get you to reproduce. You ovulate in the middle of your cycle, and obviously this is the most fertile time...... so your body (which is obviously designed to reproduce) makes you want to do it more around that time - i have definately experienced this!! I can't really say i feel hyper though, but then my desire to 'do it' is not as strong - he he!

I also get toe hairs to - quite dark ones - and i would also like to point out that there are only a few - i don;t have mega hairy toes or anything!! I am 26

Alison xx

13-08-09, 17:46
Hi Lisa. I would say it's hormones. They could still be out of whack from giving birth. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Just think of it this way, you're probably making your husband very happy :yahoo:

13-08-09, 18:39
Hi there

Your sex drive increases mid cycle for the very simple reason that you are ovulating, so more likely to get pregnant. It's really that simple. You may also experience increased heart rate, body temperature, and sometimes period like cramps during ovulation which can last for a few days.

I certainly get all of the above.

All will be well sweetie.

19-08-09, 11:05
Thanks for your relply dear

Does anyone else relate to this?


19-08-09, 11:24
Hi,I get really bloated around ovulation time.And the problems you are getting are hormonal sweety.
I was told I had polycystic ovary syndrome,but I dont have any cysts on my ovaries.I was confused at this!!!!

I have chin hair and upper lip,and I have hairs around my nipples and on my toes.I hate it!!!!!:weep:

19-08-09, 11:34
i get bloated like 5 m pregnant woman.

But i think its normal....