View Full Version : Being Kicked out.

13-08-09, 15:00

I do not know if this is the correct place to ask this but.
My mum says she’s going to kick me out, I have suffered with agoraphobia and depression for the past 5 years and if I get kicked out I have no place to go.

I’m not too sure about my options I can't phone my doctor whiles she’s in the house or she will blow up at me. I have not need able to leave my house in the last 6 months and the thought of getting kicked out really scares me.

13-08-09, 16:19
i dont think your mum will really kick u out she probably trying in her way to help you , she is your mum and will hate to c u stuck in the house but not really no wot to do to help , have u tryed talking to her and explaining how u really feel
all the best

13-08-09, 16:31

this is not the first time she has kicked me out, but last time I had some ware to go. I went and stayed with my dad for about 3 months.
It was a really hard time for me because it was a new area and new people around me. Back then I had a care worker that helped me through it. My mum started talking to me again and for some reason I moved back home.
My dad’s moved to London for work and I have no one around ware I live to ask for help. My mum and dad are going through a nasty divorce and my mum has been telling me that if I do not do as she tells me in relation to the divorce she will kick me out.
I really feel like there no way out of this situation for me.

13-08-09, 16:49
have you been arguing with your mum ? me and my daughter had a blow up yesterday and i told her in no uncertain terms to go but we are ok today , mums say things they regret afterwards hopefully your mum is just saying it aswell good luck


13-08-09, 17:04
Yea we had an argument the day before because I phoned my dad. She asked me what we talked about, and I just said we were talking about my problems. But she got made saying that me and my dad where conspiring against her, and I would get in Trouble for conspiring against her and mental abuse. And she would call the police on me to kick me out.
This all started because she wants me to go to court and say my dad was abusive. Which is not true, because I said I would not she’s need running me down about it every day.
I phoned my doctor about this all 3 days ago when she was out and he referred me to the Kate team in my area. But things are just getting harder to cope with daily. And I am worried that the Kate team will phone when she’s here and I will not be able to talk or she will answer the phone. And just kick me out straight away.

13-08-09, 23:15
does your mum have a mental illness or an addiction?

is she nice to you in general or does she bully you?
sounds like she's a bit controlling and taking her anger out on you and that's not fair.
no chance you could move to London???
family members? even friends you could stay with?
oh and what age are you? I'm 23 still living at home lol