View Full Version : Help, Arm Pain!

13-08-09, 15:58
I'm having a hell of a time worrying about my right upper arm. I've had pain in it off and on since April. I can't reach behind to scratch my back and when I make a wrong movement I get excruciating pain that goes straight down to my fingertips. I've been going to a physiotherapist for the last few weeks and she seems to think that it's a strained bicep. I have an x-ray coming up next week. I'm worried sick that this is bone cancer that originated in my lung or is a symptom of lung cancer. Help!

13-08-09, 16:04
:hugs: your pysyo would know if she thought it anythig else dont worry just continue treatment she knowswhat she is doing

13-08-09, 16:18
maybe its a trapped nerve. i trapped one in my back once and the pain shot down my leg

13-08-09, 16:26
She did say she thought there was nerve involvement. I hate being this worked up.