View Full Version : Despite clear CT I am still in pain and can't enjoy my wonderful life

13-08-09, 18:37
Recently discovered I have quite a family history of ovarian, research prompted by my mother's sudden death from the disease in June of last year. I have since had my lovely baby and should be happy.

BUT! Since November I've had a deep pain in my left side and into my hip. I have no other symptoms. Despite this, I've convinced myself I am dying like my mother. I try so hard to be normal, but just can't shake the feeling that there's something insidious and deadly eating at me. My mother had pain in her side and no other symptoms for more than a year before she was diagnosed, by which time of course it was far too late.
My GP is wonderful and referred me for CT (clear), Transvaginal U/S (also clear) and blood test (normal). However as this was all at the turn of the year I have managed to dismiss these positive results as being because things were not as far on as they are now. I am convinced that were I to be tested again now, they'd find the tumour. I am now being seen by a gynecologist who has suggested a laparoscopy but is not suggesting for one moment that I have cancer. Rather he's baffled and thinks perhaps the op will help track down the problem which he suspects is lesions following a c-section.

I manage a very busy life, including sometimes still having the baby wake in the night, and can honestly say I do not suffer from fatigue. Nor have I lost weight or had any problem eating.

Can anyone reassure me that I'm not ill? I can't speak to anyone else about this, although I do try with my husband he is so good but really doesn't get it being such a sane person!

Thanks everyone, big love

13-08-09, 19:57
hey there .. sorry you are going through this. i really think your test results speak for themselves but you clearly are dealing with health anxiety and a lot of it probably has to do with your mom, so i understand.

that said, if you are dealing with chronic pain, there are so many benign issues that cause this and it's not worth pushing them aside. you should in fact be persistent but try NOT to focus on your mom or the negative side of it - rather find out what the stupid reason is for your pain.. as your doc said probably something a lap would take care of. they usually will fix whatever the pain is during the procedure and it's no big deal. talk to your doc more about it or get a second opinion but this sounds like it would be a good option. you are NOT ill, but you may have some gyne issues post birth and it's not worth tolerating them. the complicating thing is anxiety creates all sorts of aches and pains, not amounting to anything - so talk more to your doc and describe the pain thoroughly to see if he can help. i don't think you have anything at all to worry about though!!