View Full Version : Why cant i get there

13-08-09, 19:00
Having been off work now for six weeks,im due to return on tues,and i keep moving the goal post,everytime my certificate runs out is i keep renewing it.

iv never had a real problem with going to work although its been bloody hard at times, iv battled on.

somedays i get up and i could take on the world and think yep i could be back at work ill go tomorrow,then next day have a bad anx day and think glad i did'nt,and so this goes on and on ......... i just need to have one or the other... yep im going get on with it...or no im not deal with it....

this is messing my head up, i dont no if iv just totally lost my confidence i do put off going out on my own make excuses,then another day im off shopping,next day stuck in the house aaaarrrrrggggghhhh

iv suffered from anx/panic for about 15yrs on and off and in various depths,and have always coped best i can ,but this is driving me mad,

am i doing this to myself or is there nothing wrong and its all ok, im sorry if this makes no sense to anyone:huh: . just in a muddle

Love skyxx:flowers:

13-08-09, 19:16
Hi Sky - I feel much the same. I am a teacher so off for the holidays and due to return in Sept. I was so glad to get my holidays in June as I thought a few weeks off with no pressure and I'd be right as rain. Then had a good day followed by a bad day since. I must admit I am having more good days than bad but I have been on medication for more than 6 months and thought it would be over long before now!!!!
This is so frustrating - but WE WILL GET THERE - KEEP POSITIVE!!!!
Take care

Carla louise
14-08-09, 13:31
Hey Sky, Will your employer let you do a `phased' return to work, this is something they do in my place of work when people have been off for a long time, or due to stress/depression. The gradual building back up to normal hours seems to make the prospect a lot less daunting for people xx

15-08-09, 18:01
That is a really good idea,i never thought of that,and im going to ring them on monday and see if this is possible ( YAY)

i would feel so much better knowing im not there for the day and can ease myself into it.

hope they say yes will let you know.

thanks for posts

Love skyxx