View Full Version : intense fear/confusion

13-08-09, 21:25
:ohmy: ok this is going to sound totally odd and stupid of me, but i was on another forum reading a post by someone who said they once new someone they never got on with then later they became lovers

and all of a sudden ive had this random intense fear shudder all through me and i can't shake it off, i don't even know if it really happened or if i dreamt it and if it did it was a very vivd dream so i am confused and terrified

where i used to work someone there was always being nasty about others behind there backs, me being one of them but then to their faces they were all caring etc, but just wanted gossip and seemed to thrive on watching others suffer
after i left they left at the end of that year, anyhow this either happened or a dreamt it but i honestly dont have a clue :blush: :weep: but im scared i remember either in real life or this dream that i called in where i once worked which i have done sometimes to try and get other my fears and see the staff, but i remember commenting on how much better it must be now that that individual had gone and how much this other person hated them, only for them to turn around and say i dont want to here it im in a relationship with them now :scared15: :weep: i am petrified because this person who was nasty to me was meant to have moved far away, but if they are with them then they are not far away :shrug: and i cant cope with this fear that they might be around and things could be said

but i don't know it could of been a dream but it could of happened :wacko: my heads that messed up i have no idea, if it did happen if it didn't my heart is now pounding and i feel faint, i cant bare this feeling inside of me
if it didnt happen then my dreams are really causing me problems but i honestly dont know as part of me thinks it was real and could have been :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

13-08-09, 21:48
Sometimes i have dreams and when i wake i can't tell if it was real or just a dream and i think about it all day lol don't know if that helped.

14-08-09, 17:41
i explained it to the nurse today as it is really worrying me, not knowing if it really happened or i dreamt it, my sister says i was most likely a vivid dream
but i feel soo daft for even feeling like this