View Full Version : chest pains

13-08-09, 23:32
hi everyone
i am all new to this chat room stuff but i feel that it will help me!!

i am 26 and about 6 weeks ago i had my first panic attack which was really scary i really thought i was going to die!!! since then i have had them 4 to 5 times the thing that i am really scared off the the chest pain that i keep having my gp checked my out and said that everything is fine!! when i went back he put me on an anti depressent called citalopram!! i really hope it works and i will be back to myself soon x x:flowers:

14-08-09, 10:33
Hi Tashie,
Chest pains are a really common symptom with anxiety...its always best to check with your G.P. which you have done and if they give you the all clear then rest assured it is only anxiety.
Hopefully the meds will help you ..you may find your anxiety increases for the first couple of weeks but this all normal when first starting Ad's so hang in there! You may not notice any side effects on the other hand which will be cool...but just warning you not to worry if you feel abit out of sorts whilst your body adjusts to something new.
Hope this may help you ..there is a wealth of information on here and you will find many posts regarding chest pains if you trawl through older posts on here. Good luck Jodiex

14-08-09, 10:41
Hi Tashie,

I am exactly the same as you, the panic attacks started after I had some health problems with a chest infection that they now think is asthma, but I was so anxious about it all it wasnt helping my breathing!
They put me on Citalopram nearly 3wks ago now and Im starting to feel better, just give them a few weeks to kick in although it is hard as you want to feel better straight away!
The chat room is great in helping with your worries, so hopefully see you in there lucy x

20-08-09, 23:14
thanks everyone u really do help xx:yesyes:

Veronica H
21-08-09, 10:17
:welcome: to NMP. Glad that you have found us. I take Citalopram. It took about 2 weeks to kick in and really lifted my mood. As for the panic attacks.. there is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'self help for your nerves', published by Thorsons. This is available from the NMP Shop. Her work can also be downloaded free to your MP3 from the shop. I can't recommend this enough, as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover.
