View Full Version : Under my Eye!

14-08-09, 02:51
I can't help but put this out there. I've noticed that under my eye (around the cheek bone) a muscle/vein moves/jumps/twitches when I say certain words that begin with a 'P', 'B', or 'M'. It is only on ONE side of my face. It's worrying me & I can't find ANY information on it. Anyone know what I am talking about or have/had something similar????
Please, help ease my mind! Thanks...

14-08-09, 03:18
Peter piper picked a pick of pickled pepper

We had to learn that as a kid and maybe saying that everyday will help with this reaction.

I asked a friend who is a doctor and she has never heard of this before, so it may be anxiety related or just somehting you have noticed. I know I had a twitch when I was more stressed and it looked as if I was winking at people.

I think the more you stress about it the worse it will seem

Take care

14-08-09, 12:30
Thanks. I saw my GP about it & it was shrugged off as being "my face"...but I know that it is a pretty new thing. I wonder if it is from fatigue or something. I hate that I obsess about everything like this.

14-08-09, 13:18
Again, I hate obsessing over things...
I am tyring to make an apointment with my opthamologist next week so she can see it & give me an idea about it. I know that my GP said that it was just "my face"...but I know that I haven't had this for very long. I (unfortunately) notice everything! It does bug me that no one has anything to say about it. It isn't very "searchable"...It makes me feel alone & frustrated...=(

14-08-09, 13:32

Dont feel alone...you certainly are not!!

Frustatration i think comes hand in hand withhealth anxiety. I think that we overthink and worry about this kind of thing becuase our belief is that there is a big problem and we just dont know what it is yet.:shrug: But our belief is wrong and unfortuately all our thoughts are filter through this belief. Unless we are clairvoyant , our beleif that there is something realllllly realllly badly wrong, when we dont have any real reason or evidence is totaly rubbish!!

Your twiching eye thing is probably super common but folks dont notice it becuase they are not on anxious alert mode like us HA people lol and if they did notice ...they wouldnt care!!

Hope your okay


14-08-09, 14:24

Under my eyes twitch a little on and off - and if they get puffy they seem to vibrate with my speach or facial movements - hope this helps

14-08-09, 18:07
Thank you guys for your replies; it really does help to know people are willing to listen and chime in! I feel like my friends don't understand and are starting to get annoyed with me. My husband doesn't know why I can't accept him telling me that I am OK.
I hate this feeling...hate it!
Thanks again!

14-08-09, 20:09
Has anyone else exausted friendships over these "issues"...where they get quite tired of listening to your health fears and problems?

14-08-09, 23:34
kind of.. i mean i haven't really lost friends but i've definitely made myself labeled as the 'hypochondriac' of the group. everyone thinks it's HILARIOUS, but few know that it's an actual issue that i deal with. in some ways i'm the boy who cried wolf, i'm always worried about something with either me or another person. BUT the funny part is, people are always like.. ask kristina.. when there's a health question or unknown issue at hand and i think secretly they appreciate my near surgeon-grade status knowledge of medicine. hmph.

14-08-09, 23:38
also when it comes to your actual partner, boyfriend, husband wife whatever.. it's my opinion that if someone is being hard on you for this, F THEM. i mean i know it's our responsibility to try to get better, do CBT, confront our fears etc, but, it's also their responsibility to be loving, loyal and patient. i fortunately have been with people that are that. even though i used a blunt force and hammer to drive them into the ground with my insanities.. they've always unearthed themselves and took my nonsense with kindness, and love (if not a tiny little hint of laughter behind the eyes). if you don't find this sort of acceptance in another person: it's of my opinion to either move on, or sit them down with a counselor and discuss how they can best help you, as you try to help youself.