View Full Version : Nipple Problems

14-08-09, 09:49
For the past 10 days or so both my nipples have been really itchy and red (only when erect). Sometimes they seem to be painful when itching. I have been to the Drs twice and they don't think its anything serious, probably eczema. But I have googled it and worried myself sick. I rung the breast cancer helpline and they said it could be an allergy to something new.

Any help would be great.

My Giddy Aunt
15-08-09, 21:14
Try not to worry about this. I had this ages ago and I can't even remember what it turned out to be. A form of excema I think. I think I was given a mild steroid cream which cleared it up.

I imagine you are worrying about cancer and pagets disease - I was for awhile! Pagets disease is extremely rare and very distinctive.

The most awkward thing about this excema was that I wanted to scratch like a monkey in public!!
Stay calm about it. I truly believe it is nothing serious!