View Full Version : Sucky day.

05-10-05, 00:24
Well today was really bad. I wasnt really feeling that panicy, but I still had some crappy symptoms. Does anyone ever have like tiny little weird feelings for like 10 seconds on both sides of their chest? I do, it doesnt really hurt. Sometimes it goes away for a while, and then will come back. I have a really bad headache, like my whole head. Im sooo tired, but scared to go to sleep, because im like afraid im going to have like a heart attack in my sleep or something. I just feel bad and im scared. My breathing seems different too, like when you eat too much, you cant really get a full breath.
Am I dying or something. I am so tired of all these little pains. I get pains like everywhere for like no reason. It seems like something is always hurting. Does anyone else feel this way?

05-10-05, 04:33
youre not alone..and youre not dying if you were youd been dead already. all of these symptoms are just anxiety, try and relax and distract yourself, youre just paying attention to it and thats why its bugging you.
read a book or watch tv it'll make you fall asleep.

feel better,

05-10-05, 09:48
i get pains all over my body everyday but nope ur not dieing , all the symptoms ypu are describing soundf like what i get and that is of panic attacks and anxiety - try and relax and destract yourself think of something positive that u enjoy ive found that does help me.

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part