View Full Version : Different Experience Happening

14-08-09, 18:19
I have been on 20 mg of Citalopram for over two months now. I had mild side effects for about 10 days initially and then subsided. I have been feeling really great after the side effects went. In about 6 - 8 weeks I felt awesome, I was back!

I just had two weeks of vacation with my family and it was an incredible vacation. Full of fun and relaxation, but, now that I am back to work I seem to have had a relapse...

My appetite is gone, I am waking early in the morning and can't get back to sleep, and I have become very anxious in the mornings. Once evening comes (after work) I am OK again.

Is this post vacation blues, or does this sound like the meds are readjusting? Should I consider getting the med dosage increased?

I am sad because I was thinking I was back to my normal self and with counseling, relaxation techniques and exercise I would lick this anxiety...

15-08-09, 11:12
Hi A.I.C.,It can reajust after 8weeks and you seem to go back a step or two .That with coming back from holiday will often put you on a bit of a downer .If it hasnt improved in a week ,I would suggest you have a word with your Dr about increasing your dose to 30mg .I had the same problem and it made all the difference .Higher doses are usually necessary for anxiety .Glad to hear you had a good holiday .Take care Sue :hugs: :hugs:

15-08-09, 12:39
Thanks Sue, I had a meeting with my Dr just after vacation and thought the level was fine at 20mg. I will give it a few more days (including this weekend) and if I am not back to where I was then I will contact my Dr.

Did you ease into 30mg or was a 10mg increase not significant enough to bring on the side effects again?

It is disappointing, cause my vacation was just SO wonderful. I feel like it was one of the best periods of my life, and now to be anxious again.... but hey staying positive, if I can make it through OK then I know I will be able to make it through life once I am off the meds too!

15-08-09, 13:14
Hi ,a couple of weeks can make all the difference with regard to meds settling .I upped by 5mg for 5days then as I felt ok took another 5mg .I only had a few headaches and a little bit more anxiety ,it was no where as bad as the first dose .It is important to be on the correct dose ,ie your theraputic dose .That has worked for you and kept you stable for a long period .This will help prevent a relapse once off them .Im confident you will be fine ,and your positive attitude will help you through .Take care Sue x:hugs: