View Full Version : UPDATE!!!! (Heart pains/Flutters)

05-10-05, 02:59
So today I went to go get my Holter Monitor. I called my Dr. To see if she had sent a fax to the office where I had to pick it up, I left her a messege, and when she called me back she said that she had recieved all of my test results (Echocardiogram, Stress test). She told me that everything came out perfect. I still have to wear this holter monitor, but of all the tests i've done i have come out completely perfect :)
My only problem now is I fear having seizures ( I have never had one before in my life) but I just fear ever having one, and so that throws me into a big attack...But I'm working on it hehe...

So I guess now I'm comfortable in saying if you suffer from chest pains and heart flutters...You're ok! Its always good to undergo a few tests to be on the safe and comfortable side....But you're most likely fine...:) I hope my story helped those who suffer the same ol issue. I know that when I had read about others who had this issue, it did make me a bit more comfy...:)


05-10-05, 03:14
I have been dealing with palpataion and the fluttering feeling for about 10 years to defferent degrees threw that whole time. For me thay started after getting pregnent with my first baby. I really never new for sure that thay were anxiety related till coming to this site. I have never had any test thoe's. I sopose I've never had any test how of fear not because I might have something wrong with me but more because if nothing was wrong I didn't want to feel like i was just after attenstion for a made up issues which I new was silly. There was a time after my second child was born that it became more than just a pregnancy issues and thay were going to do test if the problem continued but I just never went back there again. that was when my fear of dr's increased.

I'm glad your test seem to be easing your mind.

05-10-05, 04:46
Yay Shannon!!!
I don't think you are going to have seizures.
Glad you are okay!

"Honey, if ya ain't feelin' the bumps in the road, ya ain't goin' nowhere!" (A wise Georgia Granny's take on living life to the fullest! LOL!)

05-10-05, 06:38
Glad you are reassured about the chest pains Shannon and that the tests were all fine.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-10-05, 07:41

Have you ever seen anyone take a seisure before ?
I am wondering if this caused your fear ?

I witnessed one whilst on holiday with my husband this year in London, this man had one right next to us and no one went to his rescue except us and i can honestly say it didnt scare me at all because
he seemed to not know what was happening to him.

So maybe you are worrying about something that even if it did happen you wouldnt remember it anyway ?


05-10-05, 14:02
*My only problem now is I fear having seizures *

Where did this worry come from ?

05-10-05, 16:23
Hi Shannon,

Glad your test results were all OK, one less thing to worry about there. I think it might be in your best interests to try and combat your fear of seizures, there really is nothing you can do, and what are your chances of having one? I am sure worrying will only increase the risk! Is this a new fear? Have you got anybody you could talk to about this?

Take care,


"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

05-10-05, 16:36
My Fear of seizures most likely came about due to my sister having them. I had witnessed them both. My mom also had told me a long time ago when I was younger, I apparently witnessed my father who had one (he was a big drug user) So I guess I'm just afraid that I'll have one. I have never had one, and its not very common in my family. I just out of the blue started fearing them recently...


05-10-05, 16:38
Is there anything you can do take this feeling away? I know it's hard, and it's a bit like fearing your house catching fire, you've seen it happen, so it could happen to you, kind of? Maybe that's a way to look at it?

What scares you about having a seizure exactly though?

"Suddenly I see, this is what I want to be, Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me"

05-10-05, 16:49
Thats understandable, Shannon if you've witnessed family having them.

If you haven't had any to date its unlikely you'll just start now.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

06-10-05, 17:50
Hi shannon,

I totally understand how you are feeling with th e fear of having a seizure... I too have this fear, although my fear has definetly got a lot better over the last month or so.

I think your fear of epilepsy/seizure does have something to do with your personal experiences and your anxiety. Having it so close to home will be affecting you but accept that as it is. Everytime you have a thought of seizure- say STOP! Change your thoughts to happy ones. I saw someone take a seizure when I was about 5/6 yrs old and remember clear as day... what I was wearing, where it was etc... but ask me anything else that happened around that age and I would struggle! Our minds hold onto many painful memories and in times of stress they come to the forefront of our minds.

It is very unlikely that you will have a seizure when there is no underlying cause for it. What I have learnt with this fear is that it is not soemthing I can 'contol' therefore 'IF' it was to happen there is nothing I can do about it! Focus more on what you can change and that is to change your thoughts to more positive ones and live only in the here and now. Let the future take care of itself!

God, I should listen more to my own advice sometimes!

Take care


06-10-05, 20:55
hi shannon

great news to hear that all the heart tests you have had done have come back all clear thats one less thing to have hurtling through your mind

i must admit i know nothing about seizures so im sorry i cant help you on that

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part