View Full Version : Panic Attack?

14-08-09, 21:44
Hi guys,

New here and hoping you can all help!! I am a 31 yeart old male and never had a panic attack before although have a regular problem with depression. I am currently taking fluoxetine.

It was about an hour ago that I started to get this weird dizzy almost feeling like I couldn't focus and my sight was all glazy. Then my chest got really really tight and I couldn't breath properly. Felt like I would collapse if I tried to move and almost passing out. Panic was setting in and I was going to call the ambulance as I was having an heart attack (I am unsure now). Then a really painful almost tight neck (right near shoulder blades) started and I can't really remember much after that. Was lying there for 5 minutes or so just totally paranoid and thinking I was going to die any minute. Then it all calmed down again. I got my breath back my heart beat was normal so I started looking on the internet for info. I really believed at that time I was close to having a heart attack or it was a warning of one in the near future. To my surprise panic attack popped up when I put my symptoms in. Now I don't want to got to hopsital if it was a panic attack so any info you can give will be awesome?could you just suddenly at 31 get panic attacks?

The thing that is throwing me is could you just suddenly at 31 get panic attacks? will I suffer all my life if they are panic attacks? I am starting to get the heat in my body again, so am really worried at the moment. In a weird kind of way I am hoping it is panic attacks at the minute because a heart attack would be a whole lot worse.

Cheers guys n gals

14-08-09, 22:09
hi, it does sound like you had a panic attack, and when u are having 1 you do automatically think "heart attack"!! i know i did and still do!!! im 28 and had my 1st panic attack about 10 months ago now and still dont know why it happened and i have many since, which has led to other problems for me with anxiety. because you have had 1 it doesnt always mean you will have anymore, but of course you might and its very hard to come to tems with sometimes. maybe its worth going back to your doc and talking it thru, and as you have said you suffer depression and sometimes panic does follow with depression and visa versa. hope this helps abit, and this site is fantastic for advice and support, it has helped me so much i cant praise it enough. take care, debs. xxx

14-08-09, 22:27
Sounds like a panic attack to me.. they are awful and they do make you panic instantly that your having a heart attack.. glad you managed to calm yourself down though x

14-08-09, 23:03
Thanks for the support guys :) Yep I am pretty certain it was a panic attack, Just had another one so hopefully that will be the end of it? The thing that is strange is I have never had one before and wasn't actully doing anything stressful just chilling with my missus. It has raised so many questions for me though.

What causes them?

How do you stop them?

Can you only have 1/2 and then never again, or will I suffer for the rest of my life?

Do certain things trigger them off?

You have got an awesome site here though, so should find the answer to these questions :)

Thanks again guys it really is appreciated

14-08-09, 23:11
You sound exactly like me when I had my first Panic Attack, the difference is that I called the ambulance and in the end everything was normal (at least fhisically).

Well, anyone can have a panic attack, but is most frequent in teens and young adults (like myself, I have 26) but that doesnŽt mean an adult or even an old man canŽt have it.

IŽd recomend that you go to your medic and see if you are ok (the most probable) and if your doc says you are ok but youŽre still having problems, look for some Psychiatric help before it escalates...

14-08-09, 23:12

I was 36 when i had my first panic attack last year.

It does sound like a panic attack and they come when yr least expecting them to. I get them when i think im feeling quite relaxed

I had cbt and since then iv learnt to control most of them before they get really bad although the odd one still slips through lol

mandie x

14-08-09, 23:30
Sounds exactly what happened to me ! I was 31 when it happened to me ,thought i was dying of a heart attack to , it scared the hell out of me ,i had them on and off for a while . You will maybe notice that when theres one coming on your breathing is very shallow and your only taking small breathes ,this makes it worse ,so try taking long slow deep breathes into your stomach and distract yourself from thinkin about whats happening ie tv,music,read ,etc . Hope this helps :) .