View Full Version : Plz Plz Help

14-08-09, 22:01
:weep: Hi im new to this site and would really love some advice of someone,ive suffered panic attacks for about 4 yrs on & off now but they just seem to be getting worse,i feel its destroying my life now,ive quite my job coz i kept avin them at work,its destroyed my relationship coz my ex never understood them properly & now i find it hard & a struggle to just get through a daily basic,i feel that life aint worth living some days now coz the panic as destroyed everything in my life & i cant seem to find the strengh anymore to fight them,im so fed up up & depressed coz of these,i was just wondering if anyone else feels like this or if theres someone that can help me to get through this,ide be very gratefull for a reply of someone.thanks.

14-08-09, 22:25
:weep: Hi im new to this site and would really love some advice of someone,ive suffered panic attacks for about 4 yrs on & off now but they just seem to be getting worse,i feel its destroying my life now,ive quite my job coz i kept avin them at work,its destroyed my relationship coz my ex never understood them properly & now i find it hard & a struggle to just get through a daily basic,i feel that life aint worth living some days now coz the panic as destroyed everything in my life & i cant seem to find the strengh anymore to fight them,im so fed up up & depressed coz of these,i was just wondering if anyone else feels like this or if theres someone that can help me to get through this,ide be very gratefull for a reply of someone.thanks.

I really wish i could help you but i guess i can't help when i'm a mess myself but i can tell you your not alone, i was where you are with my depression too at one time then it gets better, then it gets worse again,,,its a painful cycle that your not alone in although i know you feel your alone. i quit my job too due to panic and almost lost my husband too but we did work things out. Its hard for someone else to understand something they've never went through. Hang in there, take it day by day and go for a walk, it helps sometimes:hugs:

14-08-09, 23:00
Well, something I be learned from this is not to give up, because this condition feeds from the fear it produces, itīs like an infinite loop, where you became anxious and brings some nasty sensations, then comes the fear for those sensations, and then more anxiety for the fear, and then the sensations become more strong or your anxiety adds more.

What I can say to you is not let the anxiety feed from the fears it induce, one must learn to let it pass trough, and not feed it with fear and accept is just anxiety and no matter how ugly may be, is not going to kill you.

This thing is one of two options:
-Feeling awful and be afraid of it
-Feeling awful but doing what you need to and not let the fear overcome you.

I know is more easier said than done (I posted not long ago something about a fear of something in the heart), but we must be firm and keep going...

Remember always what the anxiety fears is when you let it come to you.

Sorry if it ws to long, but in part it was something I wanted to let off my chest, and stay positive, is one of the most important things about this condition.

14-08-09, 23:16
Hi Kaz

:welcome: to the site.

Sorry u are feeling so bad at the moment.

Have u had any cbt or counselling? Are u on any meds?

U can pm me any time if u would like to chat or sound off

love mandie x

14-08-09, 23:49
Hi Kaz ! I had them bad for years , the only thing i can say is you will have to try and control it when you feel it coming on ,and god knows i know it isnt easy . Concentrate on your breathing ,dont take short shallow breathes ,this is how us panic merchants breath when we are taking one LOL , Long slow deep breathes ;) .I take diazepam wenever its gettin to much for me , dont realy take panic attacks anymore . Dont give up hope , you will learn to deal with it :)

15-08-09, 11:16
thanx for the msg,it helps when i know im not on my own & someone else has been through this,im just trying to get through each day at the moment & learning to control my breathing more but thanx for the reply i really appriciate it.

15-08-09, 11:21
thanx so much for the msg,i really appriciate it,it helps knowing im not on my own with it & that someone else has been through what im going through rite now,im just taking each day as it comes & trying to control my breathing,many thanks.

15-08-09, 11:43
thanx for the msg,im waiting to hear of my councilor for my 1st visit so hopefully that might help me.