View Full Version : Ectopics & Palpatations - Anyone There???

14-08-09, 23:36
Hello All,

Its been a while since I posted. I am a 26 year old male who has suffered with Ectopic heartbeats now for approching 5 years. I have started to learn to live with the Ectopics and to be honest allthough they are still occuring on a daily basis and are still excessivly annoying and frightening now I have learnt to deal with them I can cope.

The problem Im having is I have noticed that when I find myself in siutations fo confrontation I start with the Ectopics and palpatations but my heart will be beating very fast then all of a sudden will go back to normal for a few seconds or so, then back to beating rapidly, then slow and it can be like this for a good 5 - 10 mins after any situation. This is really concerning to me and Im desperatly searching for any help or advice from people who may have experienced these symptoms or if anyone knows anything about the situation. To clarify I have had every conceivable test that is available to rule out heart issues, I have been noted by doctors to suffer with Ectopics but other than that, so Im told, my heart is fine.

Any help or thoughts would be warmly received.


14-08-09, 23:50
Hiya Sean.

I'm much the same as you & im guessing the ectopics/palps are caused by nervous adrenaline going round our body in the form of anxiety.
Others are able to deal with this & not notice them but as we are anxious regarding our health it becomes an issue to us.

It really is vile, i know exactly how your feeling xx

18-08-09, 19:44
both my parents have irregular heartbeat, my mam has it serious and is on medication for it. So i am constantly paranoid about my heart, anxiety is horrible for giving me false alarms, i got it everyday for a week once, then i found out it was actually harmless and caused by hormones, i get it bad when i have my period. Anything from anxiety to chocolate and caffeine can cause funny heart feelings. Do you drink coffee, have a sweet tooth? i Sometimes get it if i don't eat enough too.